Emotional 7 year old boy


Emotional 7 year old boy

My DS is 7 years old and is HIGHLY emotional. He’s crying at the drop of a hat, if you ask him to do his chores it’s a drama that usually ends up in stomping of the feet and lots of tears. Speaks awful to us and his sibling. He has started to say that we hate him and says that he never gets anything that he wants. These last two are usually after he doesn’t get his own way. He gets disciplined when he does naughty things, his favourite things get taken off him for a period of time but it just seem to not be working. I thought it was tiredness from the school term but as we entered a new term and it didn’t get any better now I’m unsure what’s going on. Is this a hormonal stage for boys or could something else be going on?

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids

4 Replies


My 8yo boy is the same and always has been! I spend a lot of time disciplining him or just ignoring the behaviours or giving goals and rewards but nothing works. He is a highly sensitive person with everything, every single day.


Maybe it is tiredness. Low iron? Maybe a trip to the GP is in order. How is his sleep?
Cut screen time dramatically, and limiting any angry or violent viewing. , check his diet and ensure he is getting a good run outside each day.
Once you’ve ticked all those things I’d be asking for a paed referral.


My seven year old is exactly the same. I have spoken to my doctor and her teacher and they have both assured me that it is completely normal behaviour for a child of this age. They are having such emotional changes going on as pre puberty starts to hit. Keep reassuring with love and emotional support and keeps the discipline up. We all have to hold on to our wine glasses a little tighter during this stage of parenting. Good luck mumma we are all in it together


This is an age of emotional development. You can Google resilience for some teaching tools to help teach him to name, recognise emotions and check his reactions are in proportion to the problem.
Do the talking and teaching while he's calm, not already emotional.
I would also sit and have a chat with him about what he means that you hate him, and that it upsets you and what would he like to see from you, make some agreements and stick to them. Show him how to have a calm open conversation and resolve feelings positively.
