Blast from the past


Blast from the past

For the older people, and those who still go to their hometown etc... If you grew up close to someone, attracted and compatible throughout your teens, does that always remain?

Posted in:  Life Lessons

7 Replies


No not always. People grow and age, with that they change. Sometimes for the better, something for the worst. Very rarely are we the same as we were 5,10 or 15 years ago. The connection you had with someone years ago probably wouldn’t be the same now as neither of you are the same people you were then.


Not necessarily.
I can say that I am unequivocally not the same person I was when I was a teenager, I think that goes for most people.
I'm not even still friends with my high school gang (I mean, we're friends on social media and say hi if we bump into each other but not huge part a of each other's lives), no particular reason why, we just grew apart when we all started living our lives in the adult world.
I actually ran into a guy I had a "thing" with in high school, no idea what I was thinking back then 😂

On the other hand, I do think some people have one of those connections where no matter how much time and distance there's been, they can just pick up where they left off, however I do think that notion is somewhat romanticized and doesn't genuinely happen as often as people would like to think.


Still live in my home town and still friends with all my school mates even after leaving for uni and not seeing them for several years. Still mates with my ex and still love him to bits BUT we have grown up had different experiences and met new people and developed new relationships. Time changes everyone whether we like it or not. Having said that I fell in love with my now husband when I was 16 - we moved away to different places for uni and barely spoke to one another for years - we then moved back to our home town and it was like we had never been apart. Both very different people but the qualities that drew us to each other in the first place were still there.


Not always. In my case despite there being a strong attraction, we should never ever be together. We are attracted to who each other were not who we are now. That just left us both frustrated and angry all the time.
I actually hated the person he had become because his morals and ethics were totally changed.


I moved home at 27, went on a date with my primary school boyfriend 1 week later, he proposed every time he was drunk after 5 weeks and for real at 5 months and we've been happily married for 11 years. That said, we're mates with other guys I was friends with /went out with in high-school and there's absolutely no spark,just friendship there. A common history can help but it doesn't guarantee anything.


I don’t think so, maybe not in the same way as it was back then. I’m friends with the guy that smashed my heart into a million pieces when I was 16. Damm I loved him so much back then..... now 🤷🏻‍♀️ He’s a jerk (affectionately) and we are good friends.

Feel absolutely nothing for him. We grew up too differently, my life, his life. He stayed in our home town and I moved far away. Shaped and moulded is differently.

Tried to reconnect with some old school mates when I went to my home town, but we just have nothing in common anymore.


I think it can, of course.
I still see my old crushes and stuff around town and feel about nostalgic about those times back with them.
I think that's only human
