Tingly Thursday


Tingly Thursday

I'm really into ghost/ufo stories and have exhausted a lot of the online stories/youtube options! Funnily enough I am a skeptic but I love reading into it all.

Please share any stories of yours!

I don't really have any myself, I haven't come across anything nasty but have friends and family who swear black and blue their houses are haunted.

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories

8 Replies


When I was 12 I was staying at my Pops place, he bought himself an old house in a small country town after my Nan passed away so we would go and visit in the holidays. This time there was a house full with my aunty, uncle and cousins also there. One of my little cousins would have been about 4 and she was terrified of going to sleep in the house, she wanted to sleep in the car but my aunty would just keep telling her its ok, theres nothing to be scared of. I was sleeping in a small office type room at the front of the house and I pulled down the blinds every night before bed. Every night I had woken up to my little cousin screaming but one night I never heard her. I did wake up that night to see the blind had been pulled up again. I half sat up trying to think who would have done that when I saw it. It was right there at the end of the bed towering over me, glowing white. Her head was not far from the roof and I'm still not sure if she was really big or hovering. She had her arms outreached for me and looked so sad. I slammed my head back down on the pillow and couldn't breathe, couldn't scream, couldn't move. I was petrified, that is without a doubt the most scared I had ever been and that's coming from someone whose ex tried to strangle her, but thats another story. I'm not sure how long I was lying there for but it felt like forever. Somehow I managed to fall asleep and when I woke up I couldn't tell anyone about what I saw. I thought they would think I'm crazy or trying to stir trouble for my little cousin who must have seen it too. I didn't start telling people until I was about 30, by then I didn't care what people thought about it. I spent my teenage years and 20's with a real phobia of old houses because of the ghosts that must live in them, now at nearly 40 I am living in one which I wouldn't have done back then. But I know now she wasn't trying to hurt me, she was trying to tell me something. I don't know what and I never will. I don't know who she was either, definitely not my Nan I believe she belonged to the house.


Ooh, Lord I have a few. I'll be back later when I have a spare second to type lol 🤣

Side note, graveyard shift is good for people's creepy stories and Reddit can have some really awesome threads on pretty much anything!


Okay, im back haha!

I am going to preface this by saying I am a highly rational and logical person, I'm not religious and I'm not one to just mindlessly believe in things. Not to toot my own horn but I consider myself fairly intelligent and well educated so i need the science, facts and evidence.

But, these are all experiences I have no reasonable worldly explanation for.

1. When I was a child (around 11 to 14) we lived in a 2 story town house.
In that town house there was a set of stairs, they were timber and open set so they made a really distinct sound as you walked on them, almost like those wooden xylophones that every primary school seems to have floating around. Anyway, long story short, on rainy nights (Only ever in winter) we'd hear someone walking slowly and deliberately up the stairs. The first time it happened my mum almost barricaded herself in her room and called the cops but she forced herself to look and no one was there. This went on periodically for years until my mum got fed up one night, got up and screamed out "shut up and leave my house". Literally never heard the foot steps again.
I also experienced sleep paralysis for the first time in this place which some believe to be closely linked with the paranormal world.

2. The flat I lived in with my partner and newborn when we were young and broke. It was a little place a family of Greeks had owned for probably 60 or 70 years. Nice enough, nondescript!
I have never felt a more inexplicable sinister and frightening presence in my life.
I had horrific dreams about my baby in this place, which alone i probably would have put down to sleep deprivation or possibly even PND but I'd often wake up feeling like someone was near me watching or like I'd just been shaken awake suddenly. Certain areas in the flat, despite heating and even the hottest summer days, were always unpleasantly cold. As my baby got bigger he'd wake in the night hysterically laughing and babbling, staring intently at a particular spot on the ceiling. Another time i put him down for a nap at about 1pm, no more than 10 minutes later I heard him crying hysterically and go into his room and find him standing confused right next to his crib (I'll add he was too small to have climbed out without injuring himself or me hearing a crash and had never been a climber before).
2 nights before we moved out of this place, my son was almost 3, we hear a squeal and a "mama" come from my son's room. Had he not been standing right next to me, I'd have thought it were him. We had a few relatives over at the time helping pack and we all just looked at each other like what the fuck?!
That's just a few of the more memorable stories from that place, let's just say I don't miss it because the overwhelming sense of dread that lifted when we moved was unexplainable and I actually didn't notice that heaviness until it did lift, quite literally like a weight.
My cat also acted like a total spaz in this place!

3. Current house. My partner and I sleep in different rooms, i have the master he sleeps in the spare. He snores like a freight train and is in bed by 9pm like an 85 year old lol and I am a restless sleeper and a bit of a night owl so it works for us.
One night I was particularly restless, couldn't get comfortable, too hot, too cold, the whole deal. Eventually drifted off into one of those unsettling sleeps where you're half awake/half asleep before I finally passed out properly. Not sure how long i had been out but I wake up with a start to someone pushing my leg over (I sleep on my stomach with oneleg bent up, one stretched out, the former being unceremoniously shoved). I look up expecting to see my partner sleep walking or my son trying to get into bed with me, both of which are rare occurrences, but no one is there. I literally felt 2 firm hand like masses pushing into my leg. I didn't sleep alone for a few nights after that but now we joke it was a ghost trying to make me more comfortable.

I have a few more less significant experiences, you know, weird noises, seeing things out of the corner of my eye, just that odd sense that washes over you with no real cause but these 3 will stick with me to the grave.

Anyway, hope you enjoy because I have thouroghly creeped myself out before bed now 🤣🤣


Have you tried creepypasta.com? Not all true but there’s 1000’s of creepy stories on there. Ghosts/aliens/ monsters


Omg I have SO many . So I’m just gonna put mine in basic description . Too much to type otherwise

*my mothers second husbands brother took his own life by gassing himself in his 20’s. I was only 4 or 5 yrs old and his ghost would follow me and my mum around the house . He’d be in the toilet , in my room , in the living room, even outside in the back yard just either staring or sometimes had his head in his hands . He’d always be wearing the same thing .... a pair of budgie smugglers ( either blue or red ) and nothing else .

*my two half sisters who died as infants came back for two and a half decades to play with children’s toys . Any toy with batteries or a pull string would go off at random times , especially late at night . I even saw a couple once with my own eyes come to life in front of me.

*when my mum passed 20 yrs later , she spoke to me on two different occasions as clear as you speaking to the next person . It was via her actual voice , not telepathically . I ‘sensed’ her around very strongly , like I was often in the same room as her , but only twice she spoke . She also spoke to other family members . And one night I dreamed l told her to stop showing up as she started appearing to my kids and husband and in some cases , talking to them ( they never met her ) and she never ever did it again . She said she’d stop by silently instead In future . After that nothing ever happened again .

*another time , a vile dark spirit was in my apartment . I didn’t see anything but I sensed something wasn’t right . I was standing in the kitchen on the phone and felt extremely anxious like something was waiting for me near the hallway. As I left the kitchen and entered the hallway , I was spiritually pushed outside my front door. I stood outside for a bit , confused and scared and then I gradually entered the house with caution . Whatever it was was gone. But it’s residue was still around because I felt uneasy for six months after that . I have no idea what it wanted , but it gradually diminished over the months until I no longer felt it’s Presence . That was 28 yrs ago .

*i heard a random spirit in my house one night and it started opening and closing the cabinet in my bedroom . My husband and I heard and saw it at the same time while we were in bed . It also used to play with the volume on the TV . I never felt scared , it meant to harm , whoever it was.

*and finally , one night when I was pregnant , hubby and I stayed at his parents place and I woke with a start out of my sleep one night when a huge bang happened on the outside of our closed bedroom door. It was like someone ran up the hallway really fast and then fell hard into the bedroom door . I felt very uneasy . In the morning , my husbands mum said a leprechaun type spirit climbed onto her bed during the night and was ready to attack her husband sleeping by her side . As she screamed out , the spirit raced out the room up the hallway . It was exactly the same time I heard it run into our bedroom door.


I feel like you have some sort of connection with the other world because this stuff seems way too weird to believe haha! I cannot fathom thinking these things really happen, I'm a non believer though so to read this I just feel you must have a special gift to talk to the dead.


Oh believe me , it constantly left me in a state of confusion with what I saw and heard . I’m In my mid 40’s now , and have had nothing else happen for years . I hope it never does again as I like things to make sense . Like when my dead mother came to me and over several years came to my kids , she had never been in my house when she was alive . Never even knew where I lived ! But yet she crossed the states from Melbourne ( where she died );to Perth to do it . So much unanswered stuff like that .


I'm no stranger to the supernatural and tbh, nothing really bothers me anymore. Since my Dad passed in 2012, I've shook the fear of that which goes bump in the night and embraced it but i do have a story that gives me goosebumps still.
My daughter would have been around 3 and we were living in a place that had undergone some renovations that enclosed the original front porch and joined it to the garage which they turned into another room. The main bedroom had two windows. The one that faced the backyard and the original one that now faced the enclosed porch. It would have been around 11 maybe midnight, it was summertime so the windows were open and we didn't have the glass sliding door closed. Only the screen slider was click locked. I was half asleep in bed when i heard the front sliding door lock click over and the door slide. I shook my other half and alerted him to fact that i think someone was breaking in. I give it a minute before it dawns in me that the lock had to be unlatched from the inside and the only explanation was that our daughter had opened the door. So i run out, down the hall and out to the enclosed porch to see my 3 year old halfway down the driveway!!!! We figured she was sleep walking so we put her back in bed. I locked the door again and the glass door this time and went back to bed. The morning came and my sweetheart woke up. We didn't say anything because we figured she wouldn't remember but standing at the front window later in the day, i said something that triggered her to say 'Oh yeah. Like that man'. I asked her 'What man?'. She said 'The one last night. The one outside. I saw him through the window and he waved at me. I had to go out and see him'. At this point I'm a little panicked. What the hell is going on?! I asked her what he looked like and she replied 'He had one of those blue and black stripey shirts on. And he had no legs. He had a light like this. ..' and she proceeded to trace around her body outline. She continued 'He was fuzzy and he didn't really have any legs'...the legs thing spun her out i think......could have knocked me down with a feather, that's for sure! I have no idea who that "ghost" was but God i get goosebumps when i think of it.
