Caffeine addiction withdrawal


Caffeine addiction withdrawal

So I've had the epiphany that my 2 diet coke cans a day addiction is hindering my weight loss and I would also like to get braces by the end of the year. Every time I try to cut it out I go into withdrawal bad! I don't drink any other kind of caffeine. How did you do it? What am I missing? How do I get past the headaches, nausea and general unhappiness to be healthier?

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing

4 Replies


Slowly wean yourself off. It’s the best way for me to give up anything. I can’t do cold turkey


It's mostly the artificial sweetners that's making you feel this way and let me tell you, them sugar withdrawals are too real!

My vice is iced coffee (which if we're being straight, is more flavouring and sugar than actual coffee), for ages I kid myself that I needed the caffeine and it wasn't a problem because I don't really have a sweet tooth. 100% I am addicted to the sugar, you get that great rush and burst of energy but its short lived.

Definitely wean yourself, try and cut down to one can a day, then one every second day and so on, don't forget to increase your water intake so you don't get dehydrated.
Change your routine, so if you normally sit down and have a coke at 3pm maybe swap that out for a snack at 2.30 and a 10 minute walk.
Finding something (non consumable) to distract yourself with when the cravings hit is helpful too.


Couldn't have said this better myself!


Try sparkling water? We got a soda stream for Xmas and I have gone from a few large bottles of Diet Coke per week to one 600ml bottle every few weeks and I drink sparkling water a lot. I find it satisfies my "fizzy" cravings.

Just my opinion here, but I doubt that DC is hindering your weight loss, unless you tend to overconsume sugary and/or fatty foods along with it. Aspartame isn't some magical drug that causes you to hold on to body fat. Not in those doses, at least. I recommend keeping an accurate food diary and figuring it out from there.

Also, you can drink fizzy drinks when you have braces. Straws were my best friend when I had mine (on at 25, off at 27).
