Calling divorced mums


Calling divorced mums

My marriage of 19 years has come to an end and I need to know what's involved in the divorce process. We don't own our own home but he is willing to give me 100% of our household furniture, white goods etc. As well as signing the car over in my name. Our youngest child is 13 and there wont be any custody battles or anything like that. I just need to know what happens during the divorce process, lawyers? Costs..... ?


4 Replies


Why even bother with court if there isn't a lot of assets and you're both able to compromise? I didn't go through court when I seperated from my ex of 13 years as we had no major assets and were happy to work out who got what and who paid for what ourselves. We also didn't need to go to court for custody of kids. Save your money and do it yourselves.


See if you're eligible for legal aid (assuming you're Australian - if not there may be equivalent services). You do need to be legally separated for 12 months before you can file for divorce, so considering you and your husband are fairly amicable and have negotiated the allocation of property already and any custody arrangements, the only legal representation you need now is to make note of that "official separation" and then the actual divorce proceedings and paperwork in a years time, which can be sent to you in the mail!


It doesn’t cost much. Sounds like the sort of divorce you can do yourself. The financial settlement (fully separating finances) is usually the hard and expensive part, but you’ve already done that. So know need to involve lawyers or the courts.
You can divorce once you’ve been separated a set period of time and you literally can do it for $1000.
It’s only as complex as you make it. Lawyers only need to be involved if there are disagreements about how to separate assets/debts.


The divirce and settlement are 2 different things, You need to wait 12 months to divorse, but you can settle financially prior to that. ###Check your super and his super####, he probably has more, and it should be divided equally. My ex and I did it through mediation, came to an agreement and stuck with it. everything was divided 50:50, SUPER!!! assets, furniture, cars etc down to kitchen items. We came to an agreement then stcuck with it, took it to a lawyer to formalise everything. and
