Cruising with a baby.

Cruising with a baby.

Hi Ladies, I'm going on a cruise with P and O in a few months with my husband, our 13yr old and 1yr old and my hubbys family.

My question is.....who has travelled with a small baby before on a cruise? I'm excited about going but extremely nervous and worried about how he will go for going to bed (he's a great sleep through the night baby) ..... I'll have to go to the room at 7pm every night. My daughter can stay in the room with him but don't want to do that to her every night or maybe he can sleep in his pram? Also how did you go with shore tours? You'd have to be selective with what you can do with a pram??

I just have a feeling I'll be the one not really "holidaying" without that sounding like I'm complaining about looking after my little guy 😊

Did anyone actually have a good time while cruising with a little one?

Thanku ladies x

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler

3 Replies


So if he’s not toilet trained he won’t be allowed in the pools

He can sleep in his pram if you wish, shore excursions should be ok but if you have to take a tender you will need to carry baby and pram down the stairs no lifts


I will be honest as I think it's always the best policy, I could think of nothing worse than cruising with a baby/child under 3. They're not old enough to be left in the kids area so you're stuck with them the whole time (however seeing as you are with family it isn't all that bad if they will help out), they won't let him in the pools most likely unless there's a specific kids one. You could potentially set up a pram with a black shade so that you can still be involved in events overnight as there's some really fun stuff! Some of the fancier restaurants can be snobby when it comes to younger kids/babies too but again, if it's a family friendly cruise shouldn't be an issue.

Can you baby wear for shore activities? It is pretty hot at some of the places however taking a pram will be a pain. Dragging through the sand, up and down stairs, onto boats going on/off the island (some places don't port).

It is something I'd never wish upon anyone as I know that the mum is then always the "downer" of the group :(


Buy a set of walker talkies so your daughter can contact you if she’s in the room with Bub at night- and they’re great to find hubby too! Take turns to have daughter and MIL babysit and you’ll have a great time. Baby carrier for shore tours and hands free on the ship
