New babies


New babies

So I’m the new Mum who was struggling with SIL turning up unannounced and with sick kids

I just wanted to thank you all for you advice, I rang the hospital and they have a lactation nurse who was lovely and helped with latching (Bub has a slight tongue tie) so I’m also expressing and bottle feeding as well to make it a bit easier for her

I’m so glad I’m not alone. My hubby spoke to his brother and explained how I was getting upset and that a stressed mum makes a stressed baby and he doesn’t like seeing me upset and he even done all the washing and ironed it for me.

Thank you to the lady who offered to do my washing! I’m not in Townsville but Darwin but thank you so much for the offer.

And I know the washing machine thing was weird to mention but I was so stressed over Bub crying constantly, me not knowing how to breastfed 🤱 and not knowing if I was not giving her enough and then having so much washing was horrible and I was upset and I kept running out of things (Bub also has reflux)

But thank you fellow mums for being so nice and understanding

Posted in:  Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

1 Replies


Hope you and bub are starting to settle into life a bit better. Just remember that you're doing an amazing job x
