


2.5 year old son literally plays down below all day long. I thought it was normal - exploring? But I have so many ppl tell me it's not right. He shouldn't be doing it.. I'm confused, feel like im failing. How do I stop him?? Should I be concerned???
Thanks in advance.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Kids

5 Replies


Just explain over and over how these things are only to be done in private, like in his bedroom or in the bath. It's okay to want to play with it but when you are out and about he can't be, or when other people are present. When he starts doing it, tell him he can but he needs to go into his room if he wants to touch it.

You aren't failing mumma, your son just needs you to guide him not stop him :)

I would take him to a GP and have him checked for a UTI though, it might be a bit painful and he is playing with it for relief.


He could have a bit of ballinitis ( infection under the skin) that could be itchy? Take him to the dr to get checked.


It's not normal to be doing it ALL the time. Definitely take him to your GP like the others suggested.


Ignore it. He's too young to understand. Just distract in public


I agree, get it checked out just to be sure but it is so normal for kids to constantly have their hands in their pants, especially with toddlers because they haven't developed that self awareness yet that most older kids and adults have that tells us that playing with our junk all day and in front of people is kind of uncool 😂
Just keep reminding him it's a private activity!
