Daughters naans regret


Daughters naans regret

I have a very sweet 7 month old daughter.she is our second little girl. I hate her name. I hate her name so much I can't say her name out loud without cringing. As soon as someone says her name I cringe . I don't have any emotional atttachment to her name. I am so ashamed. We thought about changing her name at the 4 month mark but I was unable to do it,mostly because of what other people would think, and I was worried it would impact her later on. Her name was on our short list , but the reason i quickly chose her name a day after her birth is that it means "life" , and as they thought she had a large Tumor I decided it would be fitting (and good luck). I don't know how to get over the fact I hate her name ... will I ever???? Please don't judge, I'm struggling enough with the fact this has become such a huge (daily) issue and worry. has anyone been in the same position?

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Names

10 Replies


Just change it. Who gives a shit what people think. It's far more important that your daughters name doesn't impede your bond.


Change it. She wont remember, she'll just know on her birth certificate and it wil be a cool story for her. And Who cares what other people think.


Change it! You dont want her growing up with a name you dont even like your self..she probably wont like it either..what is her name? Just do what you like your her mum and who cares what others say or think!!


Just change it! We changed our son's name at about the same age as everyone in our family was confused by the spelling Irish vs Scottish. Just made life easier for everyone and the child never knew any different. It is just a cool story to tell his friends :)


Change it. Don't worry about what people think.


change it or use her middle name?


Maybe a nick name or use her middle name.

My inlaws didn't like the name we gave our girl. I don't think I have ever called her by her actual name, she is 6 now.

Only kids/teachers at school call her by her name. Friends and family all call her by her shortened name, some do not even know that isn't her name.

My dad was known by both his middle and 1st name.


On this show heartland I watch, the ladys name is Samantha Lousie, but people call her Lou :) is her middle name maybe something you can use?


I don't like my nearly 3 year old daughters middle name!
She didn't have a name for 3 days and we had a lot of pressure to name her.
I love her first name and am so glad we don't need to use her second name because I, like you cringe when I say it!
I have considered changing it, but decided not to. However if it was her first name, I would have changed it.
Do what you think is right and don't worry about what others think, you are the one who has to yell it out for the next 18 or so years lol!


I always hated my daughters middle name also, and also named in similar circumstances. we negotiated for me to have the name that we would change the spelling of it, we massacred it! and i hated it. I did change it when she was three and have never looked back. I know it doesnt seem worth just changing for a middle name but actually it really is so worth it.
