Adhd in adults


Adhd in adults

Has anyone got info on adhd in adults? I believe I have a combination of both adhd types and I’m looking into taking the first steps with my gp to hopefully refer me to someone to help. I’ve been on anti depressants for two years for anxiety and depression but there is definitely a lot more that I am noticing is going on with me and has been for years - I can remember these issues as young at 11 years old. I’m feeling overwhelmed from all the research as I just keep ticking off more things that I’m finding I’ve done for years or have symptoms/do these things.
Any tips on this?

Posted in:  Mental Health

3 Replies


Yep. Realised I was high functioning ADHD when my son was diagnosed. You need a psychiatrist who specializes in adult ADHD or you'll just go on the anxiety and depression round about. Was very easy though.


Where are you located? Some IMS in your area may know of a psych who specialises in adult diagnosis


If you are in Australia you will need to see a psychiatrist who specialises in adult ADHD to get a diagnosis. Unfortunately there aren't that many.

There isn't much in the way of support and therapy for adults with ADHD and apparently ADHD by itself doesn't qualify for NDIS.

There are Facebook groups for adults with adhd. They can help to gain more of an understanding of adhd and what people go through and do to help themselves
