Social media


Social media

I can’t be to sure but when my nephew is over or with my son he is taking photos of him and I’m presuming he is putting them on social media (snap chat). He is taking the photos discreetly. I don’t know how to approach him as I’m not 100%. My son is not on social media.
I don’t know how to go about it and approach him.
The photos aren’t anything wrong I just don’t think it’s appropriate when my son doesn’t know he’s doing it and probably making fun of him through social media.

Posted in:  Life Lessons

7 Replies


How old are both boys?
Kind of changes how i feel about it depending on age.


Actually wait, it makes no difference.
(Sorry, misread the part where it says your son is unaware the photos are being taken).

I despise this sort of behaviour and it's not okay, it's a complete imvasion and lack of respect for a persons privacy. I may be wrong but i feel like there may even be laws surrounding this on social media/internet, particularly with minors.

I'd pull him aside and straight up say "you know it's not okay to take pictures of people without their knowledge and consent, right? Are you posting them on Social media?".

I'd be mentioning it to his parents too.


How old?


My child is nearly 12. Nephew is 15.


Pull him aside and ask him what’s up. Tell him you don’t want your sons pics on social media and if he will have to leave his device on the kitchen counter in your house from now on.


I would say, your house your rules. He can put his device on the kitchen bench and leave it there at your house.
Solves the problem.


Is this really a question? 😩

It’s a bit of fun. Don’t turn someone serious into something that doesn’t need to be.

Before anyone jumps on my back.. she said the photos are harmless.
We are forever doing the filter funny heads and having a laugh.

Lighten up.. pick your battles
