Am I the only one that tweaks details?


Am I the only one that tweaks details?

This is so random, but im curious to know if anyone changes a few things in their anonymous questions so that friends and family that follow The Imperfect Mum dont realise its you!?

I change my details slightly with every question ie ages, genders, weeks gestation etc. so that no one catches on (especially the uber personal questions) because I know too many nosey people.

The one time I wrote everything down without changing anything, I got TWO facebook messages asking if that was my post! -_- Please tell me im not the only paranoid Mum? Hahaha X

Posted in:  Life Lessons

7 Replies


I think I know who you are...


Yes I have done it before. I asked a question after I split up with my ex, his sister likes the page and I think I would have been easily identified with the unique situation I was in. So changed it a bit so that I was still ultimately getting the same advice/opinions just a slightly different story.


I've written in a couple of times about issues my child was having with a school friend, I tweaked some minor details so that the other child and my child couldn't be easily identified.
Other than that though, I think you should keep it as truthful as possible so you get the most appropriate or correct advice!


I don't bother, most of my friends and family don't follow the page and barely use social media so I'm pretty safe.
But I usually ask for my posts not to go to Facebook anyway. Usually the responses in the website are just less knee jerk, more thought out and less likely to be nasty.


Yeah why is that, when they are identifiable on fb?


The details tweaked bear no significance on the actual question being asked. I keep those details as clear as possible in order to get proper answers. Its the minor things I change up in hope no one will link me and the post together!


I do tweak my posts. My partner tends to stalk me when I comment on the IM posts, so need to change details up a bit.
Eg, I have boys, so I say I have girls.
I'm not married, but say I am.
The initial story is the same, so tweaking for anonymity is perfectly fine.
