Online study


Online study

I'm wanting to study online but every course I find has placement and with twin 8 month olds and no family around I just can't do any placement (daycare is too expensive even with extra fee help) so my question is has anyone found any online courses that have no placements? Don't really mind what area I just want to keep my mind busy and learn new things.

Posted in:  Education

3 Replies


Unfortunately most Certificate and Diploma courses require you to do placement of some type. I did a Diploma of Counselling and although I didn't have to do placement I did have to attend weekend workshops in Brisbane (I am on the Sunshine Coast).


I did personal training online and only had to do 2 placements in the whole year which was the final assessments for the cert 3 and 4 but they did offer the option of sending in a video instead if you weren't able to make it to the placement.


Im doing a diploma of leadership and management online and it requires no placement, im also a mum with young ones, so this suited me very well
