Child Support Payments


Child Support Payments

I am so confused with child support. My ex travelled around the world last year so his income was only 18,800. Because of this low income he only has to pay the $100 a month. This isn't the confusing part and I don't worry as it goes straight into my sons savings account. I have heard from a friend that my ex is back working for his dad so he will have an income this year. Does child support work off his last years income which means for the next 12 mths $100 is all we will get or will they take into account the money he is earning now?

Posted in:  Money

2 Replies


It goes off last years income. When he lodges his tax return if you have been under paid I believe he will have to back pay you.
The best place to ask is child support themself everyone has a different answer


Contact child support as they can reassess if you request based on the fact he will be working more
