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What are the best natural / vaginal friendly underwear? I’m so sick of odours & yeast infections!! It smells so bad!!! Thankyou
I had all the STI checks about 5 months ago (before a procedure). They were all negative. Today I discovered a sore on my ……. It’s like a ball pimple looking thing. I have the urge to squeeze but I’m definitely not going to. It’s sore. I’m still with the same man. I don’t think he would cheat on me...
The last few months I have been really angry and upset and just anxiously disregulated allll the time. Just snapping and getting really cranky over everything. My kids are really feeling it unfortunately. And I feel like it’s started ever since I got a Mirena put in. Is there anything I can do to...
How do I get my 13 year old daughter with ADHD to stop verbally abusing me and recently physically abusing me - kicking, punching and pinching. Use to always only verbal abuse until the past 2 weeks. Every time she doesn't gets what she wants I get sworn at, told I'm useless and bunch names / swear...
They say that the best revenge on a toxic ex is a glow up! But how? When you have absolutely nothing left in you, no confidence, no self esteem, no happiness, no drive, no attractiveness, no soul, no happiness… just nothing. Nothing left except self hatred and ugliness. On the verge of depression...
Anyone else ever get phantom pregnancy kicks? My last pregnancy was 9 years ago. I get them on and off once in a blue moon, but today it’s been going crazy! It’s been going for a couple of hours on and off. Sometimes I hold my hand there just to make sure it’s not actually a kick lol. I’m not...
Hello my beautiful mums. I wrote in a year ago desperately seeking support... My daughter who was 9 years old at the time has disclosed sexual abuse. It's now been 14 months since disclosure. This isn't a question but a post to share some of my story. To warn other mothers and hopefully get some...
I have breast milk and I'm not pregnant. Nor have a baby. I have an 8 year old Bit of a back ground. I have Endometriosis. I was with a man and he wanted a child, to he didnt. So did I. We tired and I fell pregnant. I so wanted another child. And knowing I have Endometriosis I knew it would be a...
What do I even do? My partner and I have been together 5 years. Prior to my partner, my ex and I were very toxic. I was very thin, lots of abuse on his end regarding my weight, would cheat and blame it on my weight etc. (my now partner knew us together and knows about all the abuse) When my now...
Bit embarrassing, but I have really bad b.o lately. It’s pretty stinky (I’m a constant worrying anxious ball of stress). Has anyone used any roll ons or anything that actually work? I’m so over it.