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What do I even do? My partner and I have been together 5 years. Prior to my partner, my ex and I were very toxic. I was very thin, lots of abuse on his end regarding my weight, would cheat and blame it on my weight etc. (my now partner knew us together and knows about all the abuse) When my now...
Bit embarrassing, but I have really bad b.o lately. It’s pretty stinky (I’m a constant worrying anxious ball of stress). Has anyone used any roll ons or anything that actually work? I’m so over it.
I'm at a loss with my child. She is 8.5 She is diagnosed ADHD, ASD, ODD and Hearing Impaired She is also a trauma baby. She has ALOT going on I'm a solo parent. I do it all on my own. I do have wonderful parents but they can only do so much. My child lives in fight or flight mode. I don't know how...
I wish I could go back in time and tell my past younger self to run. I wish I could tell her that he will ruin your life. I wish I could tell her that she shouldn’t ever waste her love on him for so long. I wish I could tell her that he will drag her down until she has nothing left. I would tell...
Please don’t judge me. I have been in a calorie deficit for months now, and I’m working out 2 hours per day every day. I have not lost a single cm. I’m in the very obese part. I have fasted, dieted, exercised, you name it I’ve tried it. Can’t lose any weight at all. It’s beginning to get me quite...
Are there any mentor programs for teenage boys or intervention programmes or something for my teenage son? I can’t do it anymore. I’m at a complete loss. He’s vaping, sniffing deodorant, doing weed and sneaking out at night from friends houses. And I think also drinking when he’s at friends. I...
So I have low frequency hearing loss and finally getting hearing aids but now panicking about the price. I’ve been given 4 options ranging between $12,500-$5,100. I’m so scared it’s a lot of money is this a normal range? Is the top of the range worth it? Am I being ripped off?
Newly separated, starting from absolute scratch (no savings left since leaving DV). Now the kids and I have set our goal to buy us a home! My question being, where to start?? I'm embarrassed to admit I'm in my 30s and I'm not even sure the best way to start saving?? Should I see the accountant?...
What is the best brand for period swimwear?
Where do I begin. I need strength. I need every bit of strength that I have in my body. In 7 days I head off to trial with my ex. I don't know if you remember me but 2 years ago I posted here asking for advice. I was dating a guy who turned out to be a narcissist. He jumped my back fence one night...