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Every single minute of every day is a living hell. It’s mentally exhaustingly excruciating. I HATE him! He lives on cloud nine. - life with a narcissist
Hi ladies. My kids who are 10 and 12 have started to not want to visit their dad on the weekends. He has been abusive yelling in the past and drinks a lot. He is threatening me with lawyers now because they don’t want to go. I don’t force them but I give them the choice. I don’t want to give them...
Hi girls I'm in need of advice I've been dating this super man for over 18 months and I'd like to take the next step and get engaged 💍 we are older in our 50s so time isn't on our side I'm not in a hurry to marry again but would just like his full commitment to me.Im not sure if I should bring it...
Hey sisterhood, this is a little long winded so please bare with me. I have 4 kids from previous relationships (2 teens & 2 under 10) with me pretty much full time. I am no longer fathers and I have had a new partner for the past 2 years. He is an amazing partner and role model to my kids, he...
Hey sisterhood, this is a little long winded so please bare with me. I have 4 kids from previous relationships (2 teens & 2 under 10) with me pretty much full time. I am no longer fathers and I have had a new partner for the past 2 years. He is an amazing partner and role model to my kids, he...
Hi all I am married woth 2 step children. It is challenging at the best of times but I do love the kids. The problem is that my husband and I fight a lot about the kids. He is a sit back amd do nothing parent and if I make any comments about the kids lying or being on their phones too much, he...
Mumma’s, How do I get over the debilitating trauma that my sister slept with my long term partner?
Did anyone hear elope, or will be eloping? Who did you invite? I’m torn wether to just invite no one or a few family members? But worried that if some family members get invited then the others will get upset?
BACK OFF mother in laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just back the f*ck off, unless you are specifically asked to help!! Nothing worse than a controlling, over bearing, narcissistic, mother in law butting in thinking she can do everything better and have a better relationship with OUR children!!! You had...
Hello my beautiful mums. I wrote in a year ago desperately seeking support... My daughter who was 9 years old at the time has disclosed sexual abuse. It's now been 14 months since disclosure. This isn't a question but a post to share some of my story. To warn other mothers and hopefully get some...