
I wish I could go back in time and tell my past younger self to run. I wish I could tell her that he will ruin your life. I wish I could tell her that she shouldn’t ever waste her love on him for so long. I wish I could tell her that he will drag her down until she has nothing left. I would tell...
Please don’t judge me. I have been in a calorie deficit for months now, and I’m working out 2 hours per day every day. I have not lost a single cm. I’m in the very obese part. I have fasted, dieted, exercised, you name it I’ve tried it. Can’t lose any weight at all. It’s beginning to get me quite...
Hi Moms. My beautiful 11 year old daughter is overweight. She is tall for her age but carries a lot of weight around her middle. Her dr has said ( privately to me) that yes she is overweight but just to keep offering healthy foods. As her Mom, with my own weight issues, I am always very careful to...
So I have low frequency hearing loss and finally getting hearing aids but now panicking about the price. I’ve been given 4 options ranging between $12,500-$5,100. I’m so scared it’s a lot of money is this a normal range? Is the top of the range worth it? Am I being ripped off?
Newly separated, starting from absolute scratch (no savings left since leaving DV). Now the kids and I have set our goal to buy us a home! My question being, where to start?? I'm embarrassed to admit I'm in my 30s and I'm not even sure the best way to start saving?? Should I see the accountant?...
What sort of work can we consider for my husband? My husband is late forties. He’s been a hard working labourer all his life but because of it he’s got a lot of body issues; he had a neck operation in his younger years, his back is wrecked, and he has tennis-elbow in both arms (tendons are tearing...
Mirena and Happy Mammoth advice. Hi sisters, Has anyone had any issues/success with taking happy mammoth and have a mirena. Just wanting to hear of ladies experiences. I will be asking my GP however, I’d like first hand experience. Thanks all. 🙏
I need help trying to connect and build a better relationship with my teenage son. He’s been acting out alot lately at school, at home and with friends. I know it’s my fault! To say I’m 100% stressed 100% of the time would be an understatement. I’ve got so much negativity going on all the time that...
Hi ladies. Recently I had an appointment with a male gynaecologist. I'd like your opinion on 2 things he said to me that I cant shake out of my brain. 1. most women prefer to have a period than to not have one, and 2. most women get through menopause quite fine. I thought the opposite would be true...
Curious if anyone else has this happen or could shed some light on what it might be? A few times lately, while being in the shower, I start getting a rash and really itchy on my chest, back, arms, neck and face. Still using the same soap I have always used. Comes up just after getting in the shower...