Help getting a job with a disability


Help getting a job with a disability

I’ve a bit of a tricky question. My boyfriend is looking for work and having trouble. He also has autism and a mild intellectual disability which was caused by something going wrong at birth.
The trouble is, he needs help to find suitable work that he can cope with and be successful at, yet he’s not able to access job networks that assist people with a disability to gain suitable work, nor is he able to work at places that specifically hire folks with disability, simply because he cannot claim the disability support pension from Centrelink. He has a Special Needs trust and Centrelink day he’s got too much money to qualify for the DSP. Trouble is, he doesn’t want the money from the DSP but only access to the services it can provide.
Does anyone know a way around this??

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, Aspergers & Autism, Money

2 Replies


I imagine it would be hard for employers as they generally get funding under the scheme for hiring someone with a disability (and hence can pay them a different wage). As he doesn't qualify, he would need to be on the full minimum wage of an able person and potentially not doing the same jobs - so it may be difficult for him unfortunately. I think your best off to approach employees and explain his disability and try and seek work yourself.


You don't have to be on DSP or even a payment to access a disability employment service. He can contact them directly to register but will need a centrelink assessment to verify he has a health condition and is eligible.
