Wood smoke allergy


Wood smoke allergy

Myself and my son have allergies to wood smoke. The problem is several houses in my area all have their fireplaces going whether it's cold or not. I have no space inside to dry blankets nor a dryer. Even if I manage to keep our clothes from smelling of smoke leaving the house makes my hair and clothes stink and the lingering smell is making me sick. The smell of smoke is everywhere. I don't know how I'll get through this winter. I doubt asking them to find alternate heating would be taken well. Is there anything they may be burning that might be making to smoke worse?

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, Kids

7 Replies


I feel your pain. I have an asthma attack as soon as there is a wood fire burning somewhere.
Luckily we don’t have many in our area and they don’t seem to be burning during the day otherwise I’d be a mess!


We had to move because of our daughters severe asthma, it was the best thing. Save up and invest in a dryer, get dry shampoo, change as soon as you get home, all those kinds of things but I think moving to a non smoky neighbourhood would be worth it.


Go to a Laundromat once or twice a week. Saves the cost of a dryer and using your own heating to dry clothing.


Move to a warmer climate, it'd be better for you and your child in the long run. It's only going to get worse as the weather gets colder and you cannot ask people not to light their fires because you have an allergy. Save up for a dryer or use the laundry mats around you will help you so much. Good Luck! Make sure you keep your meds close by.


You poor thing, that would be hard! But you are right, you can't expect them to find alternate heating unless you would be willing to pay their electric bill lol.
I agree with the others, I'd be using the laundromat or investing in a dryer. They could be burning all different things really.

Kelly De Vries

Move to Cairns! :-) Only fires I see are when we are camping. No heaters in our houses! 



Local sugar cane burning sets off my asthma. I just have to close all the windows and stay inside with my ventolin when it happens.

I’d see a naturopath or someone who can help you to test your allergies then desensitise you from the important/unavoidable like wood smoke in winter, unless you move to the tropics 😊
