Sister help


Sister help

My sister has been addicted to ICE for almost 2 years now... I've tried helping, I've done everything I can. I'm lost. My best friend is gone, my sister is gone, this person is someone I don't know. She walks, talks and looks completely different. She's a Skelton. From seeing each other everyday, now She doesn't want to know me. I'm heartbroken. Please tell me it gets better.

4 Replies


This is same as my SIL. She is completely lost to her family and young children. Her kids have stopped asking for their mummy now 😢. I'm sorry that you are going thru this but you are not alone. Try getting help for yourself and your family. It's bloody hard, especially around this time of the year...


Thank you, yes my sister left her children also. It's so sad. I don't know how someone can do that.


I have been going through this with my ex partner over the last couple of months. It's such a horrible drug 😢

I found support in a group on Facebook, it was just nice to know I wasn't alone as there doesn't seem to be a hell of a lot of support for family through this.

Search 'broken shards supporting the families of ice addicts'. It is a group exclusively for family members and no addicts or ex addicts are allowed. I wish you luck with your sister and sending you lots of positivity at this time ❤️


My brother was the same, we completely lost him. He was a completely different person, someone we didn't know. He would do anything to get his fix and ended up in jail many times.
I had to distance myself once I had kids because I didn't want them growing up thinking that it's ok to be like that. The birth of his daughter didn't even stop him. He has been out of jail and clean for almost a year now and is the person we once knew but he will never be the same. His choices in life havnt been the best but I will never stop loving him. The mother of his child is a addict and has not seen her kids for a while now, my brother is going for full custody of his daughter and will most likely get it, which I'm happy but scared for at the same time because once a addict always a addict and I don't want her to be involved in that lifestyle.

My advice is be there and love her but don't force her to change and get help because she needs to want to do that herself. She will know you love her and when and if she decides to get clean support and help her through it. It's so tough I've spent so many hours crying over my brother because of this drug so I completely understand your pain.
Sending so much love to you ❤️❤️
