3rd Percentile Baby Help


3rd Percentile Baby Help

Looking for parents who have been through the same or similar.

Before I start, yes I am well aware that measurements are only an estimate, I am also aware that projected weights are only an estimate and our baby could have absolutely nothing wrong with him/her and just be a small baby.

For those who have had a small baby or told you were having a small baby, and you had to have close monitoring and ultrasounds - how was your baby after birth? Were you induced? Did you have steroids to help develop the lungs? What happened? Anything I need to ask? Anything you can think of?

There is a lot going on at the moment but we have been told our baby is measuring in the 3rd percentile. I have to have an ultrasound every 2 weeks to track how the baby is growing. If the baby at my next ultrasound in 2 weeks is showing not much growth then I am going to be induced at 37 weeks (I am 33 weeks now). I also have Hyperemesis Gravidarum throughout my entire pregnancy which has contributed to my baby being so small.

We have had a lot of information thrown at us the last few days and my brain is fried. We are very concerned for the health of our baby. The biggest issue they are worried about is possible IUGR. But we wont know if the baby has that until some results come in.

Posted in:  Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler

1 Replies


We all have tiny babies. Mine was back in the day when they didn't monitor you really.
My sister had the most difficulties. Babies tiny, lots of monitoring. She also has a heart condition and can't labour due to her pelvis being far too small. Less than a 3 cm gap for baby to fit through. So she had c-sections for both kids at 37 weeks. Both children born perfectly healthy, needed no support or anything. Just tiny.
