Baby showers, what's expected from the host?


Baby showers, what's expected from the host?

Hi ladies & gents, I have a close friends who's asked me to host her baby shower. The way she's asked is I'm expected to contribute financially. Is that what's expected today? The host is to contribute financially? Not just help out? I have had my kids, and will be having no more. This friend has asked me, and I've said yes, but have made it clear I'm in no position to help financially, I don't work, and receive benefits. Her & her partner have 2 incomes. I just feel that each time we speak of the baby shower, she's throwing suggestions out there and I'm getting the feeling as though I'm still expected to be contributing and helping make food etc. what I'm asking is am I getting upset about nothing? Or am I right to feel upset to have to be put in this position and expected to help financially? By all means I'm happy to help any other way possible. Thanks for your time.

5 Replies


I would think the host would organise the games and food, pretty much the party overall I wouldnt expect you to pay but also think its ok to hope you would pick up things or have your own input to make it extra special without asking for reimbursement, I know I would if I was doing that for a friend.


I've never heard of anyone asking for someone else to host!
It's something you usually volunteer for or offer to do or the grandparents or parents to be organise themselves.
I think if you are asked to organise it you shouldn't be expected to pay for it. You wouldn't pay for a friend or relatives birthday party, wedding, anniversary that they chose to have, would you?
Sit down have a chat and ask what the budget is!


I hosted for a friend and I did contribute some money towards a few supplies (I brought pink Pom Pom, pink table cloth ect) and I made a fruit salad. But we organised food together and she brought it all.


My mum and best friend are hosting mine, my mum will pay for most of it however my best friend wants to contribute towards it also :) I will offer to pay however they will refuse I know.


From my experience the host(s) pay for it all.
But I've only known people to volunteer.
If she's a true friend, she'll understand you can't afford it and will be grateful you can run things on the day :)
