lost don't know what to do


lost don't know what to do

I have no idea of what to do or where to go. I am not happy in life :( . I want to leave my daughters father but I am petrified to do so, he will go back to his parents and I can not trust his brother that lives there with my daughter, he is a creep, I would never allow her to have time with her father in that house. I have tried to leave before and my daughters father just makes me feel bad, he threatens suicide and black mails me into staying.. I have no love left for him. I am struggling in life also. I am supporting myself plus 3 other adults (all my family). I have taken 2 of them into my home and not one of them helps me. I cook, clean and do all the washing plus try my hardest to be a parent. I can't keep going on like I am and I need help. I don't even know if I'd survive living off just single mums pension, I am looking for a job to support myself and my daughter also. I have no idea the point of this post except I need to get this off my chest. I am also delaying going to bed because I really don't want to be in the same room as my daughters father. how do I do it? how do I tell him I want to leave and the relationship is over? how do I make him listen? I haven't even had sex with him in over 3 months because the thought just makes me feel yuk..... he won't help around the house because he works and I don't. I ask him to do something for our daughter and you would think he was asked to run across hot coal barefoot. I don't care what he did to help, even just entertain our daughter so I can shower in peace or just hang a load of washing on the line or the dishes. maybe even order take away for tea. maybe I am asking too much of him and because I am a stay at home mum I should suck it all up and do it myself and not expect any help at all. my daughter is a very full on child and doesn't listen what so ever. I don't even think I would be able to cope with her on my own.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

3 Replies


Just go. If he threatens suicide thats his problem not yours. By staying you are reinforcing to your daughter that this behaviour is okay. Pack up, go and get things in place to protect yourself and your daughter.
If he does actually attempt suicide, again thats not your fault or problem.
Dont say anything to him. he wont listen, he will continue to manipulate you to stay. Just pack and go. Good luck


I did it, I left him and ran away


Contact a domestic violence support group. Threatening suicide is a form of control/manipulation and is a form of DV.
