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Are there any mentor programs for teenage boys or intervention programmes or something for my teenage son? I can’t do it anymore. I’m at a complete loss. He’s vaping, sniffing deodorant, doing weed and sneaking out at night from friends houses. And I think also drinking when he’s at friends. I...
Why do I never ever see stuff in my Facebook news feed that some of my friends post? Like never. Not even profile pic changes or anything. Would they have their settings changed so I don’t see it for some reason? I can see everything when I go to their profile, it’s just never in my news feed
Newly separated, starting from absolute scratch (no savings left since leaving DV). Now the kids and I have set our goal to buy us a home! My question being, where to start?? I'm embarrassed to admit I'm in my 30s and I'm not even sure the best way to start saving?? Should I see the accountant?...
Has anyone used Go Rapid loans for a small $5k loan before? Are they any good? Is the interest rates high?
My 2 teenagers are forever asking me why I’m so cranky, but they can’t understand they’re making me so cranky!! Backchatting, swearing at me, slamming doors, buying energy drinks etc when I’ve told them not to, come home way past curfew, fighting etc. they can literally do all of this, make me lose...
My 13 year old son is absolutely refusing to go to school , and if he does go to school, he is walking out whenever he wants . He basically just doesn’t want to be told what to do , and everything is always “the teacher’s fault”. He isn’t being bullied , just simply doesn’t want to go to school . I...
What do you do with the mother in laws who think they know everything and think they know best for your child?!? I’m so over it! Sticking her nose in all the time, telling me things constantly that I “should” be doing for my children! I’m doing the absolute best I can possibly do, doing everything...
I’m doing up a resume today and need a bit of help please. How do I add stay at home mum on my resume for the second time? A few years ago I was a sahm, then I worked for a while, and now I’ve been a sahm again (for many different reasons). How can I add it to my resume creatively? Thankyou
I only have 3K in my super (don’t ask 🙄). I’m basically in dire need of funds for vehicle repairs and bills etc. would I be able to redraw some of my super for it? I’m 110% desperate 😖 Thanx gals xxxx
Has anyone been to jail before and can let me know how it is? I'm terrified of going in, and want to know what to expect. My anxiety is through the roof, I have a DUI and even though I've quit drinking for 9 months, I'm still at a high risk. I know I did wrong and I regret it every single day. I'm...