Who do I choose family or partner

Anon Imperfect Mum

Who do I choose family or partner

Hi ladies,
My whole world has just fallen to pieces.
My parents don't approve of my partner, but I feel like he is my person.
He and I have been together for nearly 3 years, lived together for 2 years.
He and I recently had a minor argument (we were drinking) and vented to my sister about our relationship. My sister called my Mum and now my whole family have convinced me to leave him.
Im nearly 35 and have 2 kids to a previous relationship. My kids love him.
I have been in 2 terrible relationships and always ignored my parents opinions. Now I'm not sure whether to trust their judgement or follow my heart?
My mum told me if I went back she would never speak to me again so now I'm really in a position of should I choose my family or my partner who I love knowing I will lose whoever I don't choose forever 😭😭

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Tell us the circumstances of the argument, the truth, don't downplay it, then we can give our opinion.
The fact you haven't gone into details and minimised it by saying you were both drinking, makes me think it was pretty bad and your family are right. However, I will reserve judgement until more details are given.
What else don't they like about him?
I don't think its a matter of following your heart or going with their opinions, I think as an adult, you need to make the right decision for you. No-one should blindly follow their heart, because the people we love can cause pain and other people opinions, can be wrong. Use both your rational brain and heart to decide.

Anon Imperfect Mum

What was the argument about? What did you say to your sister? You are making the argument sound trivial, like you argued over which way the toilet paper roll goes, but I assume there is more to it than that.

I assume your family knows your history and past relationships hence their worry for you. I have a sister like this, who has a really truly horrible taste in men and every time her "true" love comes around, it's the same thing and ends in disaster. She's in her late 40s. She is attracted to a particular type and they bloody use her insecurities and her vulnerability against her.

Anon Imperfect Mum

What i have learnt is disagreements and arguments should be kept between you and the partner adding a 3rd party who is family is a big no no. This is why this has been said from your family, they weren't there when the arguments were being had so they can't understand the full picture only by word of mouth.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Only you truly know what is happening in your home. However, I would tell my family I would absolutely not be involved in any ultimatum. I would tell them if they still chose to ignore you, then that's on them and entirely their decision and I would refuse to have any part of it and tell them you will make any choices you feel you need to make when you are good and ready to and not because of any ultimatum they give you. Put it entirely back on them.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Family don’t intervene like this unless there’s a big waving red flag. I’m going to say it louder for those in the back.

Stop choosing abusive partners who want to isolate you! And while I’m at it, I’ll add this one.

Stop choosing abusive men over your children!


You only get one life. Stop wasting it on a loser.
