Restless 12 month old


Restless 12 month old

Hello people I'm in need of some advice pls
I have a 12 month old who has always been a restless sleeper. He will toss n turn all night to the point he wakes up several times every night. If I leave him to self settle he will sometimes go back to sleep on his own but most the time he works up into a cry n then I have to settle him back to sleep. Some nights he wakes so much I give up n put him in bed with me but that makes no difference he's still restless. He's not tired n grumpy the next day he still has a nap during the day sometimes 2, he has a night routine so regular bedtime, I make sure he's full and satisfied, clean nappy the works and yet nothing changes. I've tried everything I can think of like slightly elevating one end of his bed, giving him my scented shirt, he even has the white noise on! Im at a complete loss on what to do! Any suggestions pls I'm willing to try anything!! I need better sleep!

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler

2 Replies


Waking through the night is still pretty normal for a 1 year old but I would consider having a chat with your GP just to rule out a physical cause.
A know a couple of kids who needed their tonsils and adenoids out for this very reason, my son had some ear issues that would prevent him from getting into that deep sleep.


Is he getting too hot or too cold at night? The fact he’s not tired and grumpy the next day means he’s getting enough restful sleep and it’s possible being restless is just him. Can you put him on a mattress beside your bed, so he knows you’re nearby but not actually in your bed? My youngest was a shocking sleeper, one reason being he wouldn’t keep the blankets up at night so he’d get cold. I started adding extra layers of clothing, including a heavy sleep jumpsuit (a bit like a sleeping bag but with legs and feet) and he started sleeping better.
