Sex advice


Sex advice

My partner thinks I don’t desire him as he wants sex at least twice a day and I don’t.
He’s making me feel like there something wrong with me for only wanting it maybe 2-3 times a week. I am sexually attracted to him but I feel I am too exhausted to have sex any more then this. He also feels like I never come onto him and he is always he one initiation.
Opinions please?
Do I just give him what he wants and not enjoy it or?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Sisterhood Stories

6 Replies


Sex twice a day? Every day? Noooooooo
Before I had kids and responsibilities and in my 20s, maybe even in the honeymoon period of a relationship. But not on an ongoing basis.

2-3 times a week is very reasonable. How does he expect you to have a chance to initiate when he wants it twice a day. Maybe if he left you alone for a couple of weeks, you might get the chance. It if he is initiating twice a day, nooooo!

How long have you been together. Is he ever affectionate without him trying to get sex?

Does he know he can masturbate?

I think he is going to have to get real here and adjust his expectations. I don’t know how to help you explain that. Too much of a good thing can make you sick. I love chocolate, if I eat the entire block I’m going to be sick. I love having sex with you, but too much isn’t fun anymore and I have to have energy to love ,y day to day existence.


Twice a day?!! Is a lot in my opinion. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you at all! It sounds like you both have different sex drives - but he shouldn’t be making you feel bad for not doing it twice a day good grief.

Casey Spencer

Nothing wrong with u love, but him..... That's one hell of a sex drive.


What twice a day… 😳 I’m bloody tired, I can barely do it twice a month 😂


He's demanding far too much . They are mechanically built to want sex more than most women, but for it to be this often is ridiculous .


I'm so sorry you are going through this. How awful. Trying to wear someone down for sex is a form of sexual abuse. It's totally not ok. Trying to make your feel bad, not normal etc is off. Please don't give in to him. It will really affect your mental health and give him the idea that his demandsare reasonable. They are not. He can masturbate if he wants more like everyone else does. I would stop all sex and insist on counselling until he understands its abusive. Good luck.
