Is this defamation?


Is this defamation?

If someone accused me of stealing money,, in front of customers, her staff and with me having my son beside me, this was said to me from a business partner I was in business with, she said this knowing its not true, but was said in spite and nastiness. Could I take her for defamation? As this statement isn’t true I have no worry with the outcome on my behalf.

Posted in:  IM's In Business, Money

3 Replies


I think there has to be proven damage done for it to hold up in court like loss of income, loss of job, loss of friends. I think you can see a lawyer and get a cease and desist letter for her which basically asks her to stop dribbling shit or further action may be taken.


Anyone can take an accusation of defamation to court, but you need to prove indefinitely that it was a lie and prove your losses (which need to be significant) from said lie. It also costs a lot of money, time and energy, of which you will not get back.

Personally, I would just cut ties and move on


Yes, if you can prove that
a) she said it
B) it damaged your reputation or cost you in some way eg, job opportunities etc
C) you are willing to pay the legal fees and have the time to pursue it
