Deadbeat dad


Deadbeat dad

I have an 11yr old son with my ex-husband.
I went to court end of 2019 & got "final orders" which have never been stuck to regularly (& he never turned up for court)
He is constantly guiltily our son over not calling him etc. When the orders state that dad is supposed to call 11 on Saturdays & see 11 once a month.

It's a whole year since dad has seen 11, dad has never called more than 2 weeks in a row ever & I'm wondering if it would be worth my/our time to go back to court & ask for visitation to be changed to "when convenient for both parties" or similar? Would they even do that? 11 has refused to see dad on several occasions, but I have convinced him to go, he watches the phone ring on the rare times dad does call.

11 has a great relationship with dad's parents & we communicate regularly as well, open to aunties & uncles but they have never reached out so I don't really bother.

4 Replies


What difference will changing orders make?
He doesn’t follow them anyway.


Just forget about the dad and get on with life, don’t answer.


Don’t go back to court. Take note of all the times he misses time he could have with the kid, just in case. But going back to court Is a m9net and energy drain, for nothing.
Let dad disappear into oblivion.


Don't go back to court. Just make note of every time he misses it. And everytime your son refuses to answer or go to visitation. Stop trying to convince him to go. He doesn't want to and at his age that should be respected.
The risk with going back to court is him being given more time on paper.
Also having the orders so vague leaves you open to constant phone calls at all times. Basically giving him a way to harass you whenever he wants. I can't see the upside personally.
