


I just found out my 15 year old daughter was raped 3 weeks ago in a public toilet in a park. She doesn't remember any of it . .....she has supressed it . We are going to the dr. Devastated. Help

Posted in:  Teenagers

6 Replies


Take her to the police asap


She may be scared to tell you. She needs a psychologist and police report asap


Psych, Police, Hospital. She needs to be tested for STIs and pregnancy immediately. She needs to be supported in any decisions she makes when she receives those results. If she is pregnant and wants a termination, she needs to be fully supported by her family even if they don’t agree.
My sister is a product of rape. My mother was not allowed to have an abortion. My mother resented my sister, treated her badly etc. not to say all rape victims who keep their babies will feel this way, but why risk it?


I was raped at 15. Didn't tell my mum until I was in my 30s. Great she trusted you with this information.
I would suggest discussing all her options with her. I would start off with telling her there are a few non negotiable things she needs to do, like going to the doctor ect, but let her take the lead on other decisions.
Obviously everyone is different, but I didn't tell anyone because I felt like in that moment I lost control over my body, and if I told someone I would loose more control. That and I knew my mum would try to blame herself and have a break down. So I would suggest trying to remain calm and strong (on the outside at least). Make sure you get help as well.


As a rape victim please take her to the GP and get mental health plan and get her to a therapist ASAP. She may rebel and just be there for her please 🙏

Catherine Flynn

Make sure your daughter wants to report it before going to the police as unfortunately, if she does not wish to make a report, Police are unlikely to do anything :-(.

Have her see her GP. She might like to talk to the doctor without present which may be difficult but please let her take the lead and take charge in what happens here.

There will likely be a rape crisis centre she can contact for the best way forward and for support services. It would be good for you to contact to ensure you have the right resources to support her.

Hugs to you and her xx
