



I'd love to hear your pros and cons... I'm wanting to get back to pre baby weight DS is now two, massive upheavel 18months ago when ex husband left, single working mum of 2 struggling with PND and anxiety cannot budge the weight thinking I'd like a helping hand

Posted in:  Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

5 Replies


I've had friends and family with good results BUT if the medication doesn't come with behaviour change the bounceback once you come off it can be horrendous. I'm also busy and struggling to change my behaviours. Duromine didn't work for me but I was undiagnosed ADHD and stimulant meds hit people with ADHD differently.


It's perfect if you are happy to take legal meth. It's perfect if you can handle the come downs, lack of sleep, racing heart and mood swings. It's perfect if you crave an addiction to it after you come off it and it's perfect when you gain all your weight back because you never learned natural techniques how to train your body and mind in portion control and staying away from carbs and sugars.

If I were you I'd stay away from Duromine. My husband was on this and it was horrendous. 6 friends were on this drug too . The side effects were many not to mention the excessive price. It's a short term drug too. Only 12 weeks . I've never heard it work long term for a single person. They're all still overweight.


Its fucking awful. Its awful and you will put ALL the weight back on.

I was on it for a month. I didn't eat. But I didn't sleep either. I was a jittery, twitchy bitch. It should not be legal. It is hell.

Don't do it. Find other ways.


I’ve done it and it’s not good at all. If you have anxiety, your anxiety will get worse and insomnia is common.
I lost weight but the medication did all the work so as soon as you come off of it the weight comes screaming back on.


I had no issues and only minimal side effects with it. I was able to sleep perfectly and the only issue I had was a dry mouth which is easily fixed by upping the water intake.

Some people will go on about it being the devil, but it depends on you as a person - much like any medication with side effects.
I do agree with the comments of the weight does go back on after you stop taking it though.
