How do I cope

How do I cope

Tonight both my16 yr old daughter and I were assaulted by her Aunty and uncle due to hidious family break down. This is due to her Aunty constantly harassing my daughter this woman bashed my daughter and than her ex partner choked me and in defence I bit him and my teeth are damaged.
I can’t believe how our family is destroyed from bpd and the knock on effects.
Police and ambulance attended but now our family is destroyed.

How do we ever over come this behaviour I’m so overwhelmed. Trying to protect my 16 yr old daughter has literally broken me.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care

10 Replies


Bpd is borderline personality disorder that my daughter has


Bpd is borderline personality disorder that my daughter has


Im sorry this happened to you and your daughter. Regardless of your daughter's BPD, she should be safe from being abused by extended family members!
Keep away from them. You dont need to have them in hour lives and get AVOs on them so they cannot be near or in contact with you or your daughter


Choked you? That's hideous. She has body but what's his excuse? Sounds completely toxic. Boundaries are needed. Big ones.


How did this happen? Like how did they get near your daughter? Did they ambush you, were they visiting you, living with you? How does it happen? It sounds as though the family had broken down before all this or it wouldn't have happened. I would be less concerned about the family breakdown and more concerned about your daughter.


You cope by charging them and then seeming professional help for you and your daughter. Take all the help you can get. Stick with the charges also. Just because they are family, don’t drop it. Then exclude yourself and shut off from them all.


Charges and cut them all off. Get AVO in place for your immediate family.


Did the police report this to child protection?


Take this post down. It has your details and if this becomes a police matter and charges are laid this post will be a problem for the court case.


Time to teach her how to put clear and strong boundaries up. This will be an important skill she needs as she gets older.
You’re family is not ruined, you still have your little family unit. That is enough. Cut all the toxic people out and get some therapy.
I have cut a family member out 5 years ago, and while it was hard at the time. I got therapy, worked on myself and since then our lives have flourished and that toxic energy I was too worried about was holding be down.
Try flipping your thinking to an opportunity to teach your daughter thy it is okay to put boundaries up when someone is not benefiting her. Work on yourself and concentrate on your family unit.
Good luck, you can overcome this.
