What do you class as cheating


What do you class as cheating

Bit of a back story ilk shorten it. Known my partner over 3yrs. Both sai in the beginning no more kids. Except last yr i fell pregnant and he decided to leave and i let him go. Had a horrible pregnancy which landed me having our daughter way earlier than expected. I did the mature thing and told him and that she was in nicu. I spent the first month of her life in the hospital while having a little boy at home. Thankgod for family. Anyway he came and meet her on what would have been her due awesome i let him back in. In the time we were apart he tried to move on but ended it juat before he met his daughter. We decided to give the family thing a go. On a couple of conditions we were honest and that he have no contact with her. That worked until i found out that he has been nessaging her and sent her photos of our daughter. To me i think this is emotional cheating but he somehow see that its not. Am i wrong to be pissed and hurt. Angry.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

6 Replies


He is too immature to be their father move on. Why would he send her photos!


Get him out of your life


I think you should never have taken him back. Encourage his relationship with your baby but that's where it should end.

Do you want to know what I think happened? He was with her, she found out you had the baby and ended it with him because he was being a dead beat and wouldn't man up and be a Dad. So he went back to you and is now letting her know how much of a good Dad he is to prove her wrong so she might change her mind and take him back.

Yes it's a bit of a petty storyline but it does seem to fit. I bet he only came back into your life due to pressure from elsewhere, his family or his gf.


I took him back cause i still loved him and wanted to make ot work. But i had my conditions and now im just here finding out that he has done this. Im so angry hurt and confused. Is this what has been happening the whole time or not. Did you physically cheat but emotional cheating is just as bad. Cant ask her cause she wouldnt tell me the truth. Somehow he wants me to trust thats all it was and i dont know how. Trust is broken the moment i saw her number on the bill


Why confused. You had no reason to take him back. You had your conditions and hes broken them. No confusion to it.

Youre confused because youre lowering your standards each time because you want him there, regardless of what he does, you want him to be what youre picturing so youre holding on. Hes not it. Let go. Keep your standards in place.


He’s prob been doing it the whole time. You poor girl. On the bright side you aren’t like him and have your beautiful baby. Focus on yourself and bub. Speaking from experience, don’t waste your time being upset and stressing over him. He isn’t worth it. You won’t ever trust him, let him be someone else’s prob now while you love life with your babies.
