Boys and puberty


Boys and puberty

When and how should i broach the subject of puberty etc with my son. He is nearly 9 and while he hasn’t asked any questions nor have i seen a change in his behaviour, i do want to be on top of these things. There is no father in my sons life, we are very comfortable with eachother, i’m just unsure of what age is appropriate :) thanks ladies.

3 Replies


Start the conversations now. Get some age appropriate books for him and you to read, either separately or together. Keep the lines of communication open, ensure he knows he can come to you with any questions and if you don’t know the answer research it with him.


Honestly, I just answer questions as they come up and I'll initiate a conversation when I observe I need to (behaviourally, physically or from questions). My son is 10 in July and really not about to hit puberty at any moment so I'm not really planning anything. Some kids in his class are much bigger and probably need conversations sooner though


My 13 year old has hit puberty. Honestly from a young age he knew what was going to happen. He voice has been breaking the last 6 months and he expected it. He got so excited when he got hair down there that he told us! 🤣. For us it is just general conversation. If he had questions we answered honestly. Just normalising it and talking about it in normal conversation was good and it means that if he has any issues he comes to us straight away.
