


24 hours without a cigarette, please tell me it gets easier.
Any words of encouragement, feel like shit....

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing

15 Replies


Smoking lead to my partner almost dying. He required a triple bypass in 2019. It was horrific. This was directly because of smoking. Please. If you have a partner and/or kids. Please think of them. My partner used patches and they helped him HEAPS. Going on 2 years smoke free for him. He saved almost $30K in this time. He used to smoke 40+ a day.


Thank you, sorry you went through that x


It gets easier!!! That first day is the hardest I rekon its just breaking the habits and you just have to get through.
I was told it goes in 3s. 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, are the hardest.


February is the last cigarette 🚬 I’ve had. It really does get easier. Keep going! But remember if you slip up, it’s just a minor set back, get back on track and keep trying.


I went cold turkey after 13 yrs of smoking. I still get cravings but they are very fleating . Each day you will get stronger and a craving will no longer become an urge.


You can do it. Remind yourself its short term pain for long term gain. Im sure you want to punch your screen right now reading that but f*ck those ciggies! You can do it!!!!!!


I’ve never smoked, but my mum has just made it to 4 months without a smoke after having been a 2 pack a day smoker since she was a teenager.
Stay strong 💪🏼


It gets easier. I did it by telling myself the cigarettes weren't going to beat me. Every craving I could get through I told myself I had won this battle. A few days in I told myself I'd come this far & I wasn't going to waste what I'd already been through.

I also reminded myself of the negatives. The stink in my hair, the way it made my skin feel clogged, the horrible taste. It only takes a few days off ciggies for you to notice this.

On the other side, eventually, you'll feel free. Every time you see someone light up you'll feel glad that's not you & jealousy will turn to pity. I can't even smell the smoke or stand next to a smoker anymore.

If you think you feel like sh*t now, when you're free you'll realise how sh*t smoking made you feel.

There are quit smoking aids available at the chemist if you need help in the beginning. You got this!!


Your words are powerful, thanks for your message.


Thanks ladies, got through another day, your messages helped ❤️❤️❤️❤️
So hard to concentrate at work’s hell.


48 hrs down! Great job! Keep it up.
So far any previously damaged nerve endings start to regrow. You may also start to notice that senses that were previously dulled due to smoking improve. You may realize you’re smelling and tasting things better than you were before!!!

Not to mention if you were smoking a pack a day, you’ve saved at least $50!! (The last packet of smokes I got was $37.50 for 25 so for me that would have been $75 saved in 2 days).


Keep going you can do it!!! 💪🏼 For some reason snacking on nuts helped me through cravings, gave me something to do with my hands I think! I can also relate to the comment below about getting your freedom back! No longer having to worry about when can I next have a cigarette. I’m going into a long meeting better have a cigarette first, going to the cinema better have a smoke first, when the anxiety of worrying about the next smoke was over it was the most freeing feeling in the world!!! Persevere it’s so worth it x


Keep going!!! You can do it! Don't give up!!!


Still going, haven’t smoked anything except a pen lol
You guys were right, it does get easier, feel like I’m back to the land of the living.
Still hard, but feels doable sometimes, just sometimes 😀


You’ve got this Mumma, I’m 60+ days cigarette free smoked about 20 a day. I had a few drinks the other night and everyone was smoking, I had one and it was awful, the taste was absolutely disgusting!! The first few days were tough. But I reminded myself I was out of excuses. I also wrote myself a list on my phone of the reasons I wanted to stop and I was very hard on myself. I referred to this list every time I had a craving. You’re almost halfway through the hardest part.
