What song is the anthem to your life?


What song is the anthem to your life?

What song is your anthem to your life?
If there was just one perfect song that you felt portrayed your life perfectly, what would it be?,
My song:. Creep, by Radiohead.
I feel every word to the core.

Look through my window and you'll see a happily Married mother of 3, (2 teenagers, one 5yo) and I'm a stay at home mum. Kids are awesome, no real issues with anyone of them. They are polite, funny, kind and caring kids. Everyone loves them.

However look into my soul and you'll find an imposter. I look like I belong. I look like I'm doing all the right things. But I can't ever shake that feeling that I don't belong here, that it wouldn't be a big deal if I was.

Yes I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and I see a mental health worker regularly. My depression is the resistant to medicine type and I've literally tried them all since I was 15. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that I'm on the last Medication before they run out of treatment ideas (and I have also had the ECT/shock therapy). Anxiety is slowly getting worse - new triggers appear somewhat regularly, which can cause issues.

But mostly I have always felt out of place and disconnected and like I don't belong. I'm weird, and unremarkable in every way.. I wish I was special.

Anyway, that's me. What's your song?

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

2 Replies


I couldn't choose one. I have a soundtrack.
Creep would be on it that song has resonated with me for a very long time.


This pains me to hear. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way.
Isn’t music a beautiful thing. It’s therapy for the mind, body, ears and spirit. All of which you possess.
Take a listen to Linkin Parks “somewhere I belong”. Thus will resonate with you and where you’re at right now too. But if you listen carefully, it’s talking about actually changing “today”. Taking charge to find where you belong.
Do it girl. Take charge and change your song! Hopefully your anthem is new very very soon. Please take care. Take solace in music as you obviously connect that way. Your soul is waiting for a change of tune. You can do it. Xx
