Gaming rules


Gaming rules

What rules do people have around gaming,my boys 10 and 12 have discovered fortnite after getting ps4 and now all they want to do is play this shut in their rooms every waking hour.have to force them to go anywhere and its driving us mad..

5 Replies


Our gaming rules at this age, we’re no devices in bedroom and very limited hours of play allowed. Homework had to be done first, meals eaten with the family and participating in family outings, exercise of some kind/playing outside is mandatory.
It’s too hard to limit and monitor when it’s in a bedroom and before you know it, it’s all they do.
You are the parent so if you have to take it away, turn the internet off etc that’s what you do.


Take it away .


No devices in bedrooms


I see so many people run into these problems when introducing video gaming consoles/ipads etc.

You really need to have very firm, clear boundaries and expectations from the outset.

So that ship has sailed but you can still turn this around.

Sit down with your boys and negotiate a fair yet reasonable amount of game time they can have.

Agree upon some conditions (you'll need to be on top of enforcing said conditions), for example, must have done their chores before game time, Wi-Fi goes off at 7pm so keep that in mind if you begin a new game at 6.57pm, must still participate in family time etc.

Then explain what the consequences will be if they breach the conditions.
1. Is a warning.
2. Is loss of game time privileges.
3. Is confiscation of gaming console.


We do an hour of gaming each. They have to earn that hour though by doing their chores. However this was after a two month ban because we were in the same position as you but they had also turned into nasty angry psycho kids who went ballistic when we said times up 😂
