Penis talks by 7 year old


Penis talks by 7 year old

This is the first time I am posting something on a social forum but I am quite confused and really need help from you.
My son is 7 year old and he goes a very good private school (boys only grammar school). Yesterday, he came home from school and told me that his class friend told him that when a boy looks at a pretty girl his penis stands up and won't go down till the girl goes away. I was shocked and told him that it's not good to talk about your private parts in that way. But to be honest, I was in disbelief, I think he is too young to be hearing such unnecessary information from his friends.
It's been two days but I still don't know how to address this matter, should I speak to the teacher? Should I just let it go? Should I speak to that boys mother? Or am I overreacting?

Posted in:  Kids

9 Replies


You can guarantee that your kids sex education will start from their friends and yep, starts from that age and even younger! It doesn't matter what school your kid goes to. Some kids get the full explanation of sex and babies before they even start school so of course these kids are going to school telling their friends what they know if the subject ever comes up. To be really fair, your 7 year old is not that far away from getting sexual erections so what his friend said isn't that shocking. I wouldn't make a big deal about it, it sounds kind of innocent, there was no sex talk! And believe me some of them do!


I also find it baffling how some parents write in here wanting to tell their nearly teenage children about puberty and periods like they have no idea. They already know everything by that stage.


I have the absolute misfortune of catching the same bus home from work as about 30 boys from our local, very prestigious grammar school!

A vague description of an erection is tame compared to some of the filth I hear on a daily basis and I'm not easily shocked because I went to a very rough, low socioeconomic high school.

My point being, this is not going to be the worst thing your son hears!

It's also why it's so important that we educate our own kids about their bodies, puberty, reproduction, sex, porn, consent etc. Because if you don't, they will get misinformed by their peers at school.

This would have been a great opportunity to explain to your son - "what your friend was telling you about is called an erection. It happens because your body sends extra blood to your penis which makes it feel stuff or hard. Sometimes it might happen if you see someone pretty but that usually happens as you get older, sometimes it happens when you wake up or sometimes it just happens randomly. It is all perfectly normal".


In Melbourne, boys from a veryyyy prestigious school were filmed doing and saying some awful crap on public transport.

It's doesn't matter how much you pay for school - little assholes turn into big assholes, irrespective of the money (or may be more because of it 🤔)


🤣 It doesn't matter one bit whether the boy goes to a "very good private school" or just your run of of the public school.

Be honest and age appropriate about sex education. It's nothing dirty. It's nothing disgusting. It's his body and you need to be able to have talks with him, without freaking out. There are great resources for the kids available, so look into those.

Oh and I went to one of those "very good private schools". This shit we did and talked about....


I am so confused why you felt it necessary to throw around the fact that your son goes to a "very good private school". Like do you think by him attending there he will be "safe" from this type of talk? Or are you just a snob who wants to throw it out there to the world. I am picturing you being like the stereotype of vegans, where they say you will know who is a vegan because they will tell everyone. You're that person who tells everyone that their kid goes to a prestigious school.

Anyways, I went to a prestigious all girls school just to throw it out there. And by no means were we sheltered and if anything, we were worse because we had access to all kinds of things that money could buy. Drugs, alcohol, fireworks, subscriptions, whatever else..


I’ve worked in some prestigious schools and some low socio-economic schools.
There are parents in both categories who give there kids factual information.
There are parents in both categories who let there kids play/watch/expose them to in appropriate movies, games, tv and conversation.
There are parents in both categories who actively encourage there kids to behave in terrible ways.
I shit you not, 1 dad thought it was hilarious to teach his son to squeeze women and girls bottoms and breasts. Came from a very expensive area and kid was enrolled in a $40k a year school.


I'm not sure you need to respond. I'd have probably said he didn't need to really worry about it until he's older and that if he has questions I'm happy to answer them, but please remember not to talk about his penis in public.


It sounds like this is about your discomfort more than anything else. My kids have known about bodies and how they change, how babies are made etc since they were born. We have just always talked about it. Not made a big deal or had a ‘big talk’. My 4yo would have said something like this. Except he would have said ‘someone you like’ rather than it being heteronormative because you can like and love anyone! I think it’s time you put on your big girls pants and started talking to your son. I’d say he’s way behind his peers in what he knows and understand so get in quickly before they educate him for you!!
