Co-rooming with new baby & toddlet


Co-rooming with new baby & toddlet

Hi sisterhood,

Keen to get your thoughts on co-rooming by choice. Ive got a 22month old who currently sleeps in our room, in her cot. She's an excellent sleeper, content and when she wakes she either talks to herself or stands up to say our names to get out attention. She regularly sleeps in with us on wkends, so we are all very in tune with sleep paterns. Toddler day naps in her room in a travel cot.

With baby #2 on the way im torn about transitioning toddler into her room as she is content and happy, as are we. Has anyone successfully baby both newborn and toddler sleep in the one room successfully? Or did ypu find newborn to noisy for toddler? Thanks

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler

5 Replies


It could go any way, the toddler waking the baby up, the baby waking the toddler up, or not waking each other up at all! I think to play it safe just in case baby has trouble settling at night I would encourage your toddler to sleep in her own room. Not every night but just so the idea is not so alien to her if you decide 8 weeks after a new baby is in the house that it's just too hard having them both in with you. The last thing you want is trouble settling your newborn and trying to get your toddler in their own bed, both can be stressful!


Yes I had both as it just made sense. I had baby in my bed and little one on her toddler bed joined to mine. They both transitioned into a bedroom together too.


Do look many families do this. And what works at some ages, won't work at others. Just work it out when you have both kids and can see how they respond


I found our newborn to be so noisy, we moved her into her own room at 1 week old :)


I personally would try and transition now and this is just based off my experience with 3 kids close in age.

If it doesn't work out, the last thing you'll have the energy for is dealing with a newborn and transitioning a toddler to a new room.
