Nuchal translucency testing


Nuchal translucency testing

Nuchal translucency testing has anyone been put in at risk category and baby has been born totally fine?

I got the results from my doctor yesterday. The risk is 1 in 451 chance of having a baby with Down’s Syndrome. I’m only 27 years old, and the baby’s neck fold measurement was 3.4mm.
My partner and I are both adamant on keeping this child no matter want, we’ve been trying for quite some time and we’ll love baby just the same.
Would just like to see some stories of ladies who’ve gone through something similar.

Thank you

Posted in:  Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler

7 Replies


Yep I had a 1 in 45 risk for downs. The most stressful time was waiting another two weeks for a more in-depth ultrasound. Pur baby was born totally fine and I was 23 at the time


Have you had the harmony blood test?? You can get some pretty accurate results. More accurate than the ultrasound. I have a friend who has a child with Downs and they didnt pick it up at all on the ultrasounds.


Your baby has 450 chance of being born perfectly perfect xx


Not that a baby/person with downs isn't perfect either 💖


Sorry, thats not at all what I meant to imply. I obviously worded it wrong. All I meant was 1/451 is such low odds I wouldn’t worry. I myself have 5 children. I have had all the tests done each time but have told the doctors not to tell me the number as it wouldn’t change my mind about keeping a baby


I understand. I only say that because my cousin had downs and he was such an incredible person! He was an amazing artist who had his art shown in galleries, happy, fun loving and down to earth 💖 my auntie and uncle had to become full time carers to him for his whole life but they opened home businesses and were very successful. Just another perspective 😊 I wish the op all the best ❤️


My NIPT test came back saying baby had trisomy 21. Went for a nuchal scan to confirm results and baby’s heart had stopped beating. Good luck on your journey.
