Side Hustle - Retail


Side Hustle - Retail

I’ve always been a bit of a go-getter, I like to try new things and push myself to get into new jobs by studying and proving my worth within my work team. I’ve just had my second baby and while I’m enjoying my maternity leave I feel it’s a good time to spend time focusing on an online retail business.
My main reason for this is my husband.. he doesn’t enjoy his job anymore but needs to work for income for our family. I figure if I can work full time next year and have my retail business on the side then he can stop working and go to Uni full time to improve himself and his skills for a few years.

What is it that Mum’s need/want and cannot find? Or want more options of places to purchase from as they may have only one choice currently so no option to price compare?
Something for the kids?

I’d love to know what it is you are needing for yourself or your family!

Posted in:  IM's In Business

9 Replies


I'm a bigger girl so for me, it would be clothes that are beautiful and flattering for the larger shape but don't come with the exorbitant cost, also bras for broader women too. Good luck in your venture


bras in a bigger size range

I have a total of 4 stores in Australia I can order bras from. I’m a 16H.


Oh god 10000% this. Finding bigger pretty bras seems almost impossible.


Breastfeeding friendly clothing


Personally, I really only jump online for niche items that I can't pick up at Kmart and Big W.

A friend of mine makes her own jewellery and knitwear (scarves, beanies, headbands, shawls and blankets etc), it started off as a little hobby that she ran from her personal FB account, it grew into a now a booming online business.

So my suggestion would be unique or even customised items that aren't easily purchased elsewhere.


Im not sure now is the time for an online business, but perhaps something personalised to send love to each other.


I'm a smaller girl with big boobs. Finding bras in my size (8F) isn't easy! I'd love for stores to acknowledge that smaller girls with big boobs do actually exist lol


I have the same bra problem as you other ladies but at the other end of the spectrum lol.

I'm a 22C - pretty sure companies and suppliers think that all bigger girls have massive cup sizes. It's rare if I can find anything with a cup size smaller than a DD.

I actually know someone who works at a Bra store though, it's not that stores don't want to stock sizes outside of the "average", it's that companies and suppliers don't make many, if any of them to begin with.

So as much as I love the idea of an online bra store, I feel like you (OP) will run into that same problem unless you're willing to look into partnerships and manufacturing as well!


Clothes that are made in lighter fabrics for the Qld heat! So much stuff must be designed in Melbourne and Sydney for their climate. Also unisex clothes for kids, my daughter hates pink but it’s almost all you can get and if you have a boy and a girl you can’t really pass stuff down
