


I’d love to know how people find time for things. I am constantly exhausted. I am a single mum to a beautiful child who has ASD level 2, ADHD, anxiety and sensory processing. I also have an autoimmune disease myself.
I work generally 5.5 hours a day however I often work extra hours or work from home for my employment. On top of that I also do the marketing/social media for my work.
I then have my child’s after school activities 3 afternoons a week. She also has part of Saturday extra curricular activity.
I also do social media/advertising, writing letters, organising quotes, trying to obtain business partners for a family members business.
I need to cook, clean, look after animals and other general household things. Do my own emails and stuff.
Spend time with my child as well.

How do people find time to do everything? I am exhausted. I don’t know how to work my time out better. I feel like I never stop and when I do it’s because I am absolutely exhausted!

I’d love any suggestions from people on how to better manage things.

I wish I had time to exercise and do other things but when I do this my housework falls even more behind.

My child is like a cyclone. I kid you not. 5 minutes after having the bedroom spotless it’s back to how it was. I almost need to constantly follow my child to make sure things that aren’t meant to be done aren’t and that things aren’t all pulled out but again this takes me Away from everything else.
Just to add my child is in primary school and is not a toddler so should be able to play unsupervised and help out a little but with the diagnoses this is difficult.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Kids

3 Replies


As a single parent with one child with ASD I’m going to be blunt.

There is no way I could do everything you do and be on top of the housework and exercise. You are doing too much.

Unless that family member is paying you, you need to stop doing work for them and prioritise yourself.

It’s important to be realistic.


Mumma, you’re doing way too much!


I'm a single full time working mum with two kids. One is ASD. The truth is I can't do everything. So I outsource jobs when I'm really stressed. I've stopped all extra curricular activities for this year. With Covid and all the time they've missed I feel its not
worth it to do atm and I've found life much easier without having to do so much running around after work.
