Cervical Cancer Screening


Cervical Cancer Screening

Last year I had my routine Pap smear & it came back that I had hpv 16 & no abnormal cells, I was referred to a specialist where I had a colposcopy. Thankfully everything came back fine & I was told to have another Pap smear this year.
Fast forward I’ve had the smear & this time the results come back that I have hpv 18 & again no abnormal cells.
So the plan is to once again go to the specialist for a colposcopy.
For anyone that’s had one they’ll know it’s not the most pleasant procedure & the entire process waiting for results is stressful.
I’m starting to wonder if there’s any point in me having the colposcopy again given there’s no abnormal cells & I have no symptoms at all (either year).
I’m in two minds. Help!

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing

7 Replies


I’ve never had any concerns with Pap smears, so I’ve got no idea. But maybe ask the specialist if there’s a treatment to clear up the hpv. HPV is on the immunisation schedule for year 7 kids, so surely there would be some form of treatment to clear it up if you do have it.


Unfortunately your body just has to clear it on it’s on, the HPV vaccine covers 3 strains of HPV, but there’s a whole lot more you can still catch even after being vaccinated, I was vaccinated myself and ended up with HPV and had a colonoscopy after my last pap as even though I had “no abnormal cells” the dr thought my cervix looked a bit funny. OP I would still get it done, it’s better to be safe that sorry even though it’s not a pleasant thing


Thanks for the info. Like I said, I’ve not had issues before so didn’t know. It was just something I would be asking if I was in that situation.


1 in 2 woman have some form of HPV so don't feel overly concerned with it. I have yearly tests as I have cancer cells accumulating and they r keeping track of th numbers. Don't worry yourself until they tell u u need too


Personally I would just do it.
I had it 12 years ago and ended up having surgery.

FYI- If they offer you the vaccine, decline it! I had it and I now have it again. A study from 2018 or 2019 (you can find it on BJM) confirms that if you have had hpv previously and have the shot youre 46% more likely to re develop hpv - the studies that gave it approval were completely botched and is under investigation :(


I’ve had hpv and CIN1 and got colposcopies done every 6 months initially then moved to 12 month checks. Took 7 years to return a normal Pap smear result. Have had no issues for 10 years now. Colposcopies are not pleasant but If I were you I would continue to see the specialist as peace of mind. Good luck.


If you had a cyst on your breast and your doctor said you get more testing to rule out any cancer I’m sure you would be straight on to it. Your cervix are no different in my option just get it checked to rule it out. Around 200 Australian women die from cervical cancer every year.
