Workaholic partner


Workaholic partner

Hello all šŸ¤— my partner is a store manager and wants to eventually buy into a partnership or franchise option with this company in the near future.

He works long hours from Mon-Sat, leaves the house around 6am/7am and isnā€™t home until 12hrs later and some nights longer. He also spends his home time on his phone answering customer enquires etc. this has been going on for over a year now and it doesnā€™t look like thereā€™s any change coming for us anytime soon.

We donā€™t spend much time together, as he comes home around 7/8pm sometimes, hits the gym and then goes to bed. On Sundayā€™s (his day off) I let him sleep in until about midday, then he likes to hit the gym and goes to his parents or will chill out at home, on the rare occasion we go out with our son for a day trip which we all love to do!

I know that a lot of his pride is behind his motivation to work so hard and such long hours as he doesnā€™t want to fail and he is a nice guy, heā€™s not an asshole or anything, but Im finding it hard to keep up a positive attitude and I guess my patience might be wearing out a little as well.

I have supported and continue to support him. But what do I do? Iā€™ve brought it up with him, not busting his balls about it, but just asked if maybe he could hire extra workers (which heā€™s trying to do, but has been hard to find good workers) or find an efficient way to deal with the workload so he doesnā€™t have to do so many hours, but heā€™s a ā€œyesā€ man and will always stay back to get the work done, especially now that he wants his own store, which I totally understand. I guess I just am starting to feel like, maybe a lil neglected? šŸ˜•

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

4 Replies


He is working hard to build his dream. You asked him to hire more staff, he is doing what you have asked. Itā€™s not his fault that he canā€™t find good staff members. Iā€™m not actually sure what else you want him to do. Maybe cut down his hours or step down in his role, resulting in him not being able to advance in this goals. Also him going to the gym is probably the way he needs to burn off work frustrations and not bring it home with him.


And where is Mums time for her husband and sons time for Dad. Just because he has dreams doesnā€™t mean he has to not spend time with his family. Mum probably had dreams too but gave them all up. I think he shouldnā€™t go to the gym at all and try spend every bit of time he can with his family. Everything can be taken away tomorrow and family is the most important thing. You can still have goals and dreams but his little boy will never get this time with his dad. Itā€™s so important that he creates memories with his son. If something happened to his dad tomorrow, what would he remember about him. My dad worked, I never seen him. Itā€™s not the memories Iā€™d want my kids to have.


Fair enough. Whats life when he doesn't even spend his day off with you. If hes going to work like that (it sounds ridiculous to me and Ive been a store manager, but if its not your investment and youre salaried, train the staff and cover the shifts dont kill yourself and lose your family making someone else rich)
But hes still a partner and a parent, so regardless of what he chooses to work, he needs to balance those other roles ans relationships as well. He gets a sleep in. That day should definitely include a family outing/activity.


There is more to life than work. He maybe needs to stop going to the gym for starters if he works that much. He also needs to find another worker. This will affect your relationship and your son needs his dad around more and in his life. Money and career isnā€™t everything. If something happened to him tomorrow he would be replaced. Nothing can ever put a price on the time with his family. It can all be taken away from you tomorrow and what memories have you all got other then him working so much. He needs Atleast a day off during the week if he canā€™t have Saturdays off. He also needs to stop saying yes yes and start putting his family first because it will destroy your relationship and you both need him to create memories and enjoy each otherā€™s company and do things together, these things mean more than anything and you will never get this time back.
