Trying to Conceive


Trying to Conceive

This is a very touchy subject for me so please do not judge. I know that in ways I am blessed but I just need to get this out
My husband and I have been TTC for a while. We already have 2 kids together but I cannot help but feel that our family is not complete.
Now when I say TTC I do not mean that every cycle we plan on when to DTD or go full out but, some cycles I do, I will try Ovulation Kits, Pre-Natal Vitamins, Ovulation tracking and even try timing when to have intercourse as I hope that this will help. It has been 4 years. My husband is the kind of guy who who just goes with the flow - he says that if it is meant to happen that it will. I am starting to get worried that it wont - I will take OPK to track Ovulation and try to time intercourse but every month Aunt Flo rears her head. I have tried not thinking about it, tried "not caring" for a couple months and still not even the slighted BFP yet.
I am 32 so fell that my chances are diminishing and im not sure if I should see a doctor, Hubby doesn't have a problem with this, he just doesn't want to be the one to see a doctor, He just thinks that if it is meant to happen it will but some months I just feel like a big failure.
About 7 years ago I had an abortion. At time our kids were so little, we could not financially or mentally handle a 3rd baby so now i'm scared that i have done this to myself. Now we are in a better position in our lives, careers are set and are financially stable but here i am unable to get pregnant I feel so ashamed to talk to my family and friends about this as I'm scared that they will judge me and I don't want to be known as "that" person who is trying to conceive.
I don't even know what i am asking - I think i just needed to tell someone that i am struggling.

Posted in:  Pregnancy

4 Replies


It’s time to go to your GP. You deserve answers to your questions and concerns.


Go see a GP!
On Facebook there is a page called TTC Australia, trying to conceive Australia (I’m assuming you live in Australia) heaps of ladies with so much knowledge.
It took my husband and I 1 year for our first, 3 years with our second, we weren’t trying at the time for more but fell pregnant twice but unfortunately lost both and 1 was an ectopic.
We are now trying for our third as I feel the same about not feeling complete but with my husband fifo it’s so hard.
If you’re really feeling concerned definitely see someone!
Good luck


Hi anon.
We went through the same thing. We had 2 kids each when we met and we just wanted one more to complete our family. My other half was the same as yours in what will be will be. He was also against ivf for us.
I was constantly devastated 😥 he finally agreed to getting some tests done which were great results! But the Gyno suggested having a look inside me to see any issues. Turned out I had severe endometriosis and the chances of conceiving naturally were very slim. Hubby agreed to ivf so we started saving ( no private health). Literally 2 months after surgery, I fell pregnant naturally!
Point is, circumstances can change, get checked out and then you can have answers and go from there xx


Hi anon.
We went through the same thing. We had 2 kids each when we met and we just wanted one more to complete our family. My other half was the same as yours in what will be will be. He was also against ivf for us.
I was constantly devastated 😥 he finally agreed to getting some tests done which were great results! But the Gyno suggested having a look inside me to see any issues. Turned out I had severe endometriosis and the chances of conceiving naturally were very slim. Hubby agreed to ivf so we started saving ( no private health). Literally 2 months after surgery, I fell pregnant naturally!
Point is, circumstances can change, get checked out and then you can have answers and go from there xx
