First trimester


First trimester

Very basic, but i can't put it on my personal wall as we are keeping it quiet. But i am currently pregnant and am suffering extreme dizzy spells. I dont even need to be standing i get it just from laying down. Im also super nauseous. Im guessing I have low blood pressure. Apart from eating regulary does anyone have any tips to help me. Im turned off sugary things so makes it a bit hard as most people have suggested soft drink 😞

Posted in:  Pregnancy

2 Replies


For nausea my doctor told me ginger and b6. As for the dizzy spells I got them from moving too fast so just making sure you get up and sit down slower as well as ensuring you're eating something, it doesn't have to be sugary. I actually found carbs helped with both issues and drinking lots of water


Salt is what you need for low blood pressure. Lots of salt!!!! Powerade, any of that type of stuff

