"Kids have no respect these days"


"Kids have no respect these days"

Is anyone else really tired of the generalisations of today's kids?

All kids are supposedly spoilt, entitled, lazy, disrespectful, have no manners, always have their faces in a screen, they're mean and even violent.

I just feel like poor kids today get a bad rap!

I'm trying really hard to raise well mannered kids and I think I'm succeeding - they're kind, responsible, they work hard. Sure, they aren't perfect but it makes me a bit sad when people are surprised that my kids aren't horrible little brats that they've been programmed to expect.

My children's friends are also a great bunch of kids, one of them is only 11 and already does so much for charity.

I live right next to a high school. So many people say to me "oh, that must be a nightmare living next to all those little shits". Actually, I've never had a bad experience with them. From what I've noticed, they're polite, friendly and represent their school in a really positive way.

I'm also tired of older generations saying we don't/can't properly discipline our kids these days. That since it's no longer acceptable to discipline kids with inanimate objects we basically just let our kids become unruly and run wild. I don't know a single kid who is not disciplined or reprimanded when necessary! We just don't like whacking our kids with wooden spoons and jug cords any more...

I just keep thinking to myself - where are all these kids who fit these generalisations? Because I'm not seeing it in these epidemic proportions like the majority of other people do!

In my day to day life, I experience some rude and entitled people from all generations and walks of life but they are few and far between! It's not behaviour specific to young people.

Personally, I think we need to have a little more faith in this new generation! They're gonna change the world!

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Kids, Teenagers

16 Replies


I worked in a school and I totally agree! This generation of teenagers really value authenticity and kindness. I find them to be very real, open, honest & compassionate.

My own kid’s are really awesome - headstrong as anything but so caring & understanding of why we have rules and follow them.

I’m a young millennial and over so sick of the millennial comments too!


If you want to see “those kids” in their full force come to Townsville


OP here.
I grew up in a low socio-economic area, I have seen and experienced people who exhibit that type of antisocial behaviour so I'm not saying it doesn't happen.

I have an issue with people suggesting this is an issue specific to this generation of kids, that this is an accurate representation of ALL modern day kids.

Do you paint every kid in Townsville with this brush? Because those are the types of generalisations I'm talking about!


Not all but when I walk out of the local supermarket with my small children and witness 7-11 year olds stealing push bikes and abusing people for smokes it’s hard not to paint them in that picture. When almost everyday passing high school you are seeing kids fighting on the paths, car thefts, break ins, standings ect most don’t by teenagers with no respect and uncontrollable it’s hard to think of them as good kids


I agree and disagree with both sides!

My eldest of 4 is 21 and I have most certainly come across many spoilt, disrespectful little so and so's in that time. I also used to work in one of the worst schools in wa and the behaviour you see there would make even the most anti smacking parent want the cane back! It's not just your normal "get fucked" and stomp out of the classroom, it's full on vile behaviour, teachers get threatened with rape, furniture thrown around the room, other students abused in every way.

We very recently had 5 kids aged 10 and under go through the local cemetery and vandalise close to 100 graves! Infant graves included! If that's not the most disrespectful thing to do then I don't know what is.

I guess these are the things that make the news sometimes and the oldies see it, and that's where they come up with this idea that kids are getting worse. I don't agree it's a lack of discipline that causes this kind of extreme behaviour though, I believe we have parents on drugs and abuse to thank for that.

There are also some very spoilt kids out there who are never disciplined. My step son is 15 and still has tantrums for things he wants which I think is proof that this has always worked for him so why stop now. My cousin is a young adult and only just learning what it's like to not get what you want when you want it. I think it's pretty far spread but I also think it's not a new thing, there's always been spoilt undisciplined kids. It's naive to say there were none 50 years ago and it's naive to say there are none today, or that our generation of children are somewhat better than the rest because they're not. There's the good, the bad and the ugly just like every other generation. Unfortunately though I really do think there's more ugly behaviour than ever before.


You didn’t happen to work in Kalgoorlie did you??


Every generation of kids are labelled this way. The only new thing is the technology.
Older people forget what there kids were like.
Kids actually have a lot less freedom today than I did and every generation has a mix across the spectrum.


I'd hate to be a teen/kid today.

They have an opinion or express their feelings - they're "snowflakes" who don't know their place.

They are pationate about global or political issues - they're ridiculed or even abused.

They know their rights and expect them to be upheld - they're entitled.

They utilise the technology that's available to them - they're spoilt and lazy.

They briefly look at a device - they're anti social or tech addicts.

I mean, I could go on and on...

It's absurd to think this new generation is worse than any previous one. I grew up in the 90s, there were child delinquents back then who were shocking people with their antics, there were spoilt entitled kids, there were kids with behaviour issues, there was useless parents.

None of those problems are a new thing created by this generation!

There has always been a bit of a "Kids these days" attitude but I do think today's kids get that to a bigger extent than my generation did.


My kids are very spoilt. They are spoilt with time, toys and extra curricular activities. They are also extremely polite and grateful for everything they are given and have.

I am so intrigued by the judgement we face as parents though.

If your child excels say in kindy - your questioned about whether you taught or worked with them pre - school. Because it would be unimaginable that they just be bright.

Your judged if your child does not enough or too much extra curricular activities.

Your judged if they are too loud in a restaurant or if they are on a device in a restaurant.

It’s exhausting!

The thing is our children are navigating different times and different advances.
Older generations have no experience with these same challenges and so therefore should save their opinions.


Yes! Not only do the kids of today get heavily criticised, I think this generation of parents get criticised and judged far more than any previous generation of parents did!
My grandmother even has noticed that there seems to be unrealistic expectations of parents today and every man and his dog has an opinion on how to parent!


I so agree not only do they have that opinion they are happy to share it and critics you openly! Often in a passive aggressive way.


Your kids are not spoilt. To me, spoilt means getting what you want for no reason other than you want it and being ungrateful for the things you have. Kids from all backgrounds can be spoilt and it goes the other way too. Being rich doesn't make you spoilt and being poor doesn't make you grateful for things you have. It all helps though 😂


My grandmother had stories of judgmental old ladies when her kids were babies, so I don't know if there's more judgement these days or it's just in your face more. Before social media people were pretty good at talking about you behind your back so quite often you wouldn't even know what they thought until they let a few sly remarks go at the Christmas lunch. Now, older people especially seem to have no filter on social media because they don't really understand how it can affect them. They are writing what they really think and we are being confronted by it a lot more. News outlets feed off the comments too so they love posting news articles that will get a bite 'Study shows kids are more violent than 20 years ago' just a made up example.


Yeah, I think social media (and news outlets with their negative, fear mongering, click bait headlines) have a lot to answer for!
A mum from a FB parenting group I'm in posted a cute pic of her kid the other day about something entirely unrelated, within about 10 minutes she had 200 odd comments telling her what a shit mum she was and didn't deserve to have kids because the baby's car seat straps weren't done up correctly, then it was like that gave other people permission to start stacking on about other "issues" - baby was too fat, looked sick, was under dressed.
The poor mum had to come back and defend herself (she hadn't even started driving and took the pic before she'd adjusted the straps, defended baby's diet, not sick just naturally rosey cheeked, was 30+ degrees where she was).
That's just one example too, that's pretty typical SM behaviour and then of course there's all the people as you mentioned who believe in all these "studies".

So I do tend to think that this sort of judgement has amped way up in 2019 as opposed to 1989 for example, just because people have the platform and in some cases the anonymity to be cruel with practically no immediate consequences.


When I get the 'kids today' spray, I just answer - well you raised them :)
Employers whinging about the quality of juniors available - they're the same age as your kids...
Grandparents whinging about the next generation - they're your kids/grandkids...
Parents get the kids they parent. Engaged balanced parents, get engaged balanced kids/young adults - in the main...


I think this comment is from non parents or people who have forgotten personally. My son has adhd that presents with anxiety (major fight flight responses at times). He can absolutely be 'that child'. He also says oh my goodness and other more formal things instead of the usual lines, asks to be excused from the dinner table, offers to do dishes if we're at someone's house etc at 8. I constantly get comments about his impeccable manners compared to other kids. I think all kids are still learning. I'm sure when he's older he'll remember himself as being polite and respectful too because that's the lesson that gets reinforced over time. He probably won't remember the times he got so distressed he lashed out.
