Anger Issues in 6 year old

Anger Issues in 6 year old

Help. My 6 year old son has serious problems with dealing with anger towards me. He is an extremely smart, social and well spoken little boy who is an absolute angel at school. I don't think he's ever been in trouble at school or with anyone but me and his dad.
The problem is he's very very stubborn. As soon as I try to show any form of Authority or discipline he will lose it at me. Last night I had to drag him out of a school disco kicking and screaming all because I told him we were going outside to get some fresh air.
He will hit me, scream, punch and work himself up to the point where he yells at me that I am choking him because he can't breathe. When he gets worked up like this I cannot psychically handle him. He will hit me more if I ignore him. These episodes can go on for 1 - 1 1/2 hours and by this point he's beyond any form of discipline as he's just too worked up.
This happens once every few weeks especially if he's tired or if his dad isn't home.
In the moment I feek as though he has some sort of major behavioral issue, but I don't understand why he only behaves like this towards me. I've spoken to his teacher who cannot believe it as she's never seen anything like it come from him. People don't actually believe me unless they see it.
Please help this mumma out. I feel like I've tried everything, am well educated and am very emotionally aware. I'm at my wits end.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids

1 Replies


I have this with my 8yo son (and have had for years). He’s diagnosed with ODD but My son is like this every day. I really feel for you! There’s a podcast I like - calm parenting by Kirk Martin and a book The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron that I felt, helped me understand him and help me manage to live with him.
