Court orders no longer working


Court orders no longer working

Hi. Just after some advice on others experiences. I have court orders regarding our children done up around 5 or so years ago. Children are now young teenagers and don’t always want to go to their fathers every 2nd weekend. Where do they stand?

I feel they are old enough to make these decisions and I feel a bit bad for him, even though my ex has proved over the years they aren’t his priority. They are learning for themselves what he is like and want to stay home with us (myself and husband) are they aloud to make this decision to cut back to one weekend a month....or so I need to get new orders through the court?? My child was in tears yesterday because of this and I don’t no what to say. He’s not easy to talk to and I’d end up with him verbally abusing me.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt, Teenagers, Tips and Advice, Puberty

1 Replies


Back to court you go, if your children are 12 or older the judge will take their feelings into account. Just make sure you have a diary backing up what you say about his disinterest and them not being his priority. His visitation and how many times he’s cancelled etc. he will fight you because his child support amount will increase.
